Here is a complete YouTube video of the 3/28/11 meeting of Northampton’s Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. This recording was made by Craig Odgers and is 3 hours 7 minutes long. This was the last meeting of the task force before it presents its recommendations to the Board of Public Works.
See also:
Videos: Solid Waste Task Force, March 21, 2011
A 5-4 majority of the task force favored keeping both the Glendale Road and Locust Street transfer stations open for the present. A somewhat larger majority expressed interest in moving towards a citywide curbside pickup system (with opt-out) in the future. Such a system is expected to reduce costs for households currently using a private subscription service (about half the households in Northampton). It might also facilitate the improvement of recycling rates.
Gazette: “Northampton waste panel narrowly favors current trash disposal system” (3/22/11)
Video: Board of Public Works Authorizes Lower Landfill Tipping Fees (3/23/11)
The competitive environment in which Northampton’s landfill operates would seem to contradict Mayor Clare Higgins’ assertions during the 2009 campaign season that allowing the landfill to close would lead to dramatic increases in waste disposal costs (at least in the near term).
Valley Regional Recycling & Transfer Facility Open for Business (2/25/11)
Video and Minutes: Solid Waste Task Force, March 14, 2011
Videos: Solid Waste Forum of March 11, 2011
Video and Slides: Solid Waste Forum of March 7, 2011
Videos: Solid Waste Task Force, February 7, 2011
Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 31, 2011
Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 10, 2011
Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 3, 2011
Video: Solid Waste Task Force Hears from Haulers (12/20/10)
Video: Solid Waste Reduction & Management Task Force, December 6, 2010
Video: First Meeting of the Solid Waste Task Force (11/15/10)