Video and Slides: Solid Waste Forum of March 7, 2011

Below is a complete video of the 3/7/11 public forum held by Northampton’s Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. The public was invited to express opinions about how the city will manage its waste once the municipal landfill closes in 2012. The Task Force will hold a second and similar forum on March 11 in the Senior Center from 2-4pm.

The audience was composed largely of people who currently bring their own waste to a city transfer station (as opposed to having it picked up by subscription service). Most of them wanted to see the city continue to operate at least one transfer station. Several mentioned the social aspect of seeing friends and exchanging news. This recording was made by Adam Cohen and is 1 hour 47 minutes long. You may also view a 15-minute video from the brief meeting the Task Force held just before the public forum.

If video playback is balky (because is busy), NCTV has a similar video here.

Here are the slides shown at the forum:

Here are handouts from the forum giving more details on the options presented and their estimated costs:

In the table of cost estimates below, note how those who currently contract with a private trash collection service are expected to save money under a citywide curbside collection system. This system is also likely to save fuel as it would reduce the number of garbage trucks traveling over the same routes. Citizens who prefer to dispose of their own trash could opt out of curbside collection.

Here are questions the public put to the Task Force: 

See also:

Gazette: “Northampton residents like transfer stations for trash disposal” (3/8/11)
In one show of hands, those who attended the forum (a second is planned for Friday at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center) showed that the vast majority use the city’s transfer stations. According to the task force, about half the city’s households use private haulers for curbside trash and recycling services, but they were thinly represented Monday night.

Nevertheless, the lack of any financial figures made it difficult for some to make a solid choice as to how the city should proceed. In addition, as a private for-profit transfer station providing residental trash drop-off gets up and running on Route 10, some said it would appear wasteful for the private and public sectors to be competing.

Valley Regional Recycling & Transfer Facility Open for Business (2/25/11)
With the closure of Northampton’s municipal landfill drawing near, some have expressed concern about how local citizens will dispose of their trash. In particular, there has been concern that the pay-as-you-throw option would go away. Valley Regional Recycling & Transfer Facility has just opened up to provide a private waste disposal alternative. Their facility is located at 234 Easthampton Road in Northampton.

Videos: Solid Waste Task Force, February 7, 2011

Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 31, 2011 

Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 10, 2011

Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 3, 2011 

Video: Solid Waste Task Force Hears from Haulers (12/20/10)

Video: Solid Waste Reduction & Management Task Force, December 6, 2010

Video: First Meeting of the Solid Waste Task Force (11/15/10)