October 14: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish on Planning Agenda

October 14 will be a busy evening for the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board. Items of special importance to Ward 3 are marked in red: THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton: 5:30 P.M. Special Permit request by Andrew Payne & Loretta […]

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OPD Call for Applicants to Serve on Zoning Revisions Committee

From the Office of Planning and Development: The City of Northampton Planning Board seeks to fill 2 vacancies on the Zoning Revisions Committee (ZRC), which is a 9-member advisory committee. One vacancy is to be filled by a person with technical skills and experience to address zoning, land use and planning issues. The other vacancy […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 10/6/10; King Street Forum Comments; Planning Staff Offer Suggestions

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 10/6/10 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. The committee discussed a search for a new chair, comments from the recent forums on King Street, and suggestions from the planning staff on what activities to prioritize through next spring. This video is 1 hour 47 minutes long and was recorded by […]

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Videos: Public Safety Meeting of 10/4/10; Sienkiewicz Summarizes Case for Police Station Tax Override

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 10/4/10 meeting of Northampton’s Public Safety Committee. City Councilors Angela Plassmann, David Murphy (chair), Jesse Adams and Maureen Carney attended. The meeting included an update from Building Commissioner Louis Hasbrouck and a speech from Police Chief Russell Sienkiewicz on why a new downtown police station is needed. […]

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October 13: Meeting on Three County Fairgrounds Redevelopment Plans

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann announces: All citizens are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the pending redevelopment plans for the Three County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, October 13 at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place at the Fairground’s office located on Fair Street. These plans will then be presented to the Planning Board […]

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October 19: Public Hearing on the proposed “Regulations for Refuse and Recycling Collection”

The Northampton Health Department announces: On October 19th, 2010 from 7:00-7:30 pm in the City Hall Hearing Room (2nd Floor of City Hall) the Northampton Board of Health will hold a public hearing on the proposed “Regulations for Refuse and Recycling Collection”. The regulations will require that all waste haulers provide both waste collection and […]

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Video: Insights into a Lively Downtown

Kirk Westphal presents a 20-minute YouTube video on what makes downtown Ann Arbor, MI so successful. There are good insights for those who’d like to extend the feel of downtown Northampton northward up King Street.   See also: Videos: Zoning for King Street, 9/29/10; Sussman, Horton, Budgar Videos: Zoning for King Street, 9/21/10 Joel Russell Comments on King Street […]

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October 5: Exit 19 Project Advisory Committee Meeting #6

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Assocation announces today: WHAT: PAC Meeting #6 WHEN: October 5, 2010, 6:00 – 8:00 pm WHERE: Bridge Street School Library, 2 Parson St., Northampton MA The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is working on a project to identify and develop improvements to increase mobility in the I-91 Interchange 19 area. This meeting is open […]

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North Street Traffic Calming Survey

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann and the Department of Public Works would like residents to share their opinions on traffic calming in this 5-minute survey. Responses are requested by October 23. See also: Councilor Plassmann: “Video, Pictures and Handouts from Meeting on North Street Reconstruction; Truck Traffic” (6/11/10) Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann provides […]

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Videos: Zoning for King Street, 9/29/10; Sussman, Horton, Budgar

Here is a complete blip.tv video of Zoning for King Street, a public forum hosted at the Jackson Street School on 9/29/10 by Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 1 hour 59 minutes long (there is a short gap of a few seconds towards the end due to camera changeover). This was the second of two […]

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