Video: Ordinance Committee Discusses Public Comment Periods

Here is a complete video of the 10/12/10 meeting of Northampton’s Committee on Elections, Rules, Ordinances, Orders and Claims. The latter part of the meeting (starting at 1:04:30 on the video) includes a discussion of the public comment periods at City Council meetings and “Concerns Expressed about City Council meetings running past 11:00 PM and […]

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October 20: “Ballot Questions 2010: Get educated on what questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 would mean for your community”

Yes! Northampton announces a 90-minute public forum: Ballot Questions 2010: Get Educated on What Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 would mean for your community. Special focus on Question 4 and the override to give Northampton a new Police Station. 10/20/10 @ 7 pm, JFK Community Room. See also: Gazette: “Northampton mayor, chief to speak […]

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An Open Letter from Residents of Edwards Square to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

Tim Jacobs and other residents of Edwards Square have asked us to publish this open letter. There will be public hearings on the proposal by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish on October 14 starting at 7:30pm in City Council Chambers. Concerned citizens are urged to attend. An open letter from the concerned citizens of Northampton. We welcome […]

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October 19: Public Meeting on the King/Summer/North Street Intersection & Manhan Rail Trail

The Office of Planning and Development announces: PUBLIC MEETING: King, Summer, and North Street Intersection & Manhan Rail Trail SUBJECT: Proposed improvements at the King/Summer/North Streets intersection AND the proposed new Manhan Rail Trail access ramp at Edwards Square and North Street. WHEN: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 TIME: 6:00 PM WHERE: City Council Chamber, 212 […]

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October 18: Final Public Forum on the Draft Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Plan

The Office of Planning and Development announces: The final of three public forums on the draft Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Plan will be held this coming Monday October 18th at 7:00 PM in City Council Chambers [see below]. This will be the same format at the first two forums (presentation on the draft plan […]

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Ward 3 Open Space Survey Results

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Smith College have just released the results of an informal survey regarding open space and recreation. Here are the top five responses to Question 7 (among the 94 respondents who answered the question correctly): If you could tell the City three things that we needed in Ward 3 that would make […]

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October 21: Presentation by Grow Food Northampton

The Leeds Civic Association and the Baystate Village Association will co-sponsor a presentation by Lilly Lombard, President of Grow Food Northampton. Time: Thursday October 21, 7 pm Where: Music Room, Leeds Grammar School, Florence Street, Leeds Come on out to learn about Grow Food Northampton’s effort to buy the Bean and Allard farmland in Florence […]

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Photos: “Perseus and Medusa” at the Paradise City Arts Festival

Easthampton artist Matt Evald Johnson reinterprets a classic legend in “Perseus and Medusa”. See it now at the Paradise City Arts Festival at the Three County Fairgrounds, open through Monday. Learn more at Mr. Johnson’s website, Photos taken by Adam Cohen and published with kind permission of the artist.

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