Video and Presentations from 10/20/10 Public Forum on 2010 Ballot Questions; Case for a New Police Station

Here is a complete video of the 10/20/10 public forum on ballot questions 1-4. Questions 1-3 are statewide (see details). Question 4 is local. It asks Northampton voters if they approve of a $10 million debt exclusion property tax override to help build a new $17.6 million police station and parking garage. Most of the forum […]

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October 25: Ward 3 and 4 Neighborhood Associations Co-Sponsor Override Forum

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Ward4Northampton invite you to a public forum: The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Ward4Northampton will jointly sponsor a public forum on the proposed Police Station debt exclusion override question that will appear on the Nov. 2 ballot in Northampton. The forum will take place Monday, October 25 at 7 p.m. […]

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Video and Slides: Proposed Improvements for the King/Summer/North Street Intersection

Here is a complete video of a 10/19/10 public meeting on the King, Summer, and North Street intersection and access to the Manhan Rail Trail from North Street and Edwards Square. Planning Director Wayne Feiden presented proposed improvements to the intersection and trail, taking comments from the audience. Mr. Feiden cautioned that the proposals […]

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Three County Fairgrounds: Revised Stormwater Permit Application and Drainage Report

From the website of Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann: “Here is a revised Stormwater Permit Application and Stormwater Drainage Report submitted by Three County Fairgrounds to the Department of Public Works. A hearing before the Planning Board is expected on October 28 at 7:00pm in City Council Chambers. The public is encouraged to attend. […]

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Last Call! North Street Traffic Calming Survey

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann and the Department of Public Works would like residents to share their opinions on traffic calming in this 5-minute survey. Responses are requested by October 23. See also: Councilor Plassmann: “Video, Pictures and Handouts from Meeting on North Street Reconstruction; Truck Traffic” (6/11/10) Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann […]

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October 21, 27: Resolution and Forum on Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir and Dam

The Friends of the Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir and Dam urge concerned citizens to take action now to save the dam. Resolution and Forum on Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir and Dam See also: Website: Save the Chesterfield Road Dam  countryjournal: “Upper Roberts Meadow Dam update” (10/12/10) Two weeks ago, the news of an unstable retaining wall along River […]

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Ward 3 School Committee Nomination Papers Due to Registrar on November 2

In the wake of Tim Fisher’s resignation from the School Committee (he moved out of town), this announcement is posted on the web page of the Northampton City Clerk: ELECTION CALENDAR FOR SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO FILL A VACANCY FOR WARD THREE SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER. Nomination papers available in City Clerk’s Office- October 4, 2010 […]

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Angela Plassmann: “Combating Drug Abuse in Our Schools”

Below is an article posted today on the website of Angela Plassmann, Ward 3 City Councilor, followed by selected slides from an October 14 presentation on youth harm prevention by Karen Jarvis-Vance. Starting at about 54 minutes on this video of her presentation, Ms. Jarvis-Vance notes: “This is a prevention coalition, so when you’re talking about […]

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October 2010 Mayor’s Email Update

Mayor Clare Higgins is circulating this update today: Mayor’s Email Update 2010 October See also: Videos: Public Safety Meeting of 10/4/10; Sienkiewicz Summarizes Case for Police Station Tax Override Here is a 14-minute YouTube HD highlight of the speech from Chief Sienkiewicz describing the need for a new police station. Design of New Police Station Wins Approval; […]

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