Minutes: Charter Review Committee Hears from Higgins, Bardsley, Narkewicz, Plassmann

Here is a draft of the minutes of the 10/6/10 meeting of Northampton’s Charter Review Committee. The committee received input from Mayor Clare Higgins, former City Councilor Michael Bardsley, and City Councilors David Narkewicz and Angela Plassmann. Charter Review Committee 10-06-2010 Minutes Draft See also: Video and Documents: Charter Review Committee Meeting of 5/26/10; Origins of Northampton’s […]

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November 6: Public Forum on Green Space Planning in Ward 3

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Smith College Landscape Studies Department announce: Public Forum on Green Space Planning in Ward 3 Saturday, November 6 9 AM to 12 PM at Bridge Street School Hosted by the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Smith College Landscape Studies Department. Ever think about what gives Ward 3 its special […]

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Videos: Three County Fairgrounds Goes Before Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board

Here are complete blip.tv videos of the 10/28/10 meetings of Northampton’s Zoning Board of Appeals (1 hour 34 minutes) and Planning Board (2 hours 19 minutes). The ZBA authorized the Three County Fairgrounds’ proposal to reconstruct its horse barns and build riding rings to go forward. This constitutes Phase 1 of the redevelopment of the […]

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Video: Board of Public Works Votes to Remove Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir Dam

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 10/28/10 meeting of Northampton’s Board of Public Works. The board voted to remove the Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir Dam despite a citizen campaign to preserve it. This video is 39 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers. See also: Gazette: Northampton board votes to remove dam on Mill River (10/29/10) The […]

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Video and Slides: City Council Public Forum on the Upper Roberts Meadow Dam Resolution

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the October 27 Public Forum on the Upper Roberts Meadow Dam Resolution. The forum was sponsored by the Northampton City Council. This recording is 2 hours 9 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. From the published agenda: 7:00pm – 7:05pm Welcome and Introductions, City Council President David […]

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Three County Fairgrounds Revises Stormwater Permit Plans and Drainage Report; Text of Tymoczko Lawsuit

Northampton’s Department of Public Works has received revised stormwater permit plans and drainage report from Three County Fairgrounds. The Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board will hold hearings on proposals from the Fairgrounds on October 28, starting at 5:30pm in City Council Chambers. Former Ward 3 City Councilor Maria Tymoczko, who abuts the Fairgrounds, recently filed […]

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Video: Ward 3 & 4 Forum on Police Station Tax Override

Here is a complete blip.tv video of a 10/25/10 public forum on the proposed police station debt exclusion property tax override question. Northampton voters will have their say on November 2. The forum was sponsored by the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association and Ward4Northampton. This recording was made by Lachlan Ziegler and is 1 hour 28 minutes […]

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Video: Grow Food Northampton’s Vision of a Community Farm

Here is a complete blip.tv video of a 10/21/10 presentation by Lilly Lombard, President of Grow Food Northampton, at Leeds Grammar School. The event was co-sponsored by the Leeds Civic Association and the Baystate Village Association. This video is 51 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. From the event description: Come on out […]

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Video: Duseau, Bouquillon Comment on Proposed “Regulations for Refuse and Recycling Collection”

Here is a YouTube HD video of a public comment period held by the Northampton Board of Health on proposed “Regulations for Refuse and Recycling Collection”. The hearing took place on October 19. Written comments can be sent to the Northampton Health Department Office at 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 or sent via email to hmcbride@northamptonma.gov. This […]

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October 28: Three County Fairgrounds Proposal Goes Before the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board

From the website of Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann: As background for these October 28 meetings on the Three County Fairgrounds, here is their revised Stormwater Permit Application and a video of an update on Fairground plans given on 10/13. Northampton Public Meeting Agenda For Thursday Oct 28, 2010 THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS […]

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