Videos and Slides: Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, Final Presentation and Q&A

Here are two YouTube videos covering the complete final presentation (53 min) and Q&A session (41 min) from this week’s Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, featuring consultants from Nelson\Nygaard. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen.Here are the slides from the final presentation: Main Street King Street Charrette Final Presentation Many of the ideas […]

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Alexandra Dawson: “Standing tall for our wetlands”

Alexandra Dawson has an excellent column in today’s Gazette. Here is an excerpt: …in the long run, nearby development [to wetlands] can result in grass clippings, raked leaves and dog droppings – or worse – getting pushed over the line. And then the wetland loses a lot of its resource value.The Northampton City Council some […]

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March 23: Smith College Landscape Studies students to show their work

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association announces: Smith College Landscape Studies students to show their work March 23DATE: March 23rdTIME: 7-8:30 PMPLACE: Bridge St School CafeteriaPlease come to see some new ideas and give your feedback toward the completion of their final products.Design topics include: Bridge Street Cemetery Sustainable Back-yard Agriculture A Permaculture Plan for the […]

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Videos and Slides: Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, Introduction and Goal Setting

Here are YouTube videos from the first day (3/14/11) of the Nelson\Nygaard transportation charrette focused on Main Street and King Street in Northampton. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen. The consultants’ overarching philosophy is informed by New Urbanism and makes a priority of building mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly urban environments. It is reminiscent of proposals made during the Notre […]

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Videos: Solid Waste Forum of March 11, 2011

Here are two YouTube videos covering the complete Solid Waste Task Force public forum of 3/11/11. The first segment shows the Task Force’s presentation of solid waste management options (26 minutes). The second segment shows the public’s comments that followed (1 hour 15 minutes). These recordings were made by Adam Cohen. See this article on […]

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Photos: Flooding at Three County Fairgrounds

These pictures of flooding by the Three County Fairgrounds were all taken on March 7. The first two show Cross Path Road, temporarily closed by the city. The last shows a pipe discharging water near the intersection of Fair Street and Cross Path Road.See also:Gazette: “Flooding results from rain, snowmelt” (3/8/11)Public Works Director Ned Huntley […]

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Video: Mayor Speaks to Ward 4 about Fiscal Situation

Here is a 57-minute YouTube video excerpt from the March 8 meeting of the Ward4Northampton neighborhood association. Mayor Clare Higgins discusses the city’s fiscal situation and other matters, including watershed protection, snow clearing and traffic calming. This video was recorded by Mary Likins.The mayor distributed this handout: Northampton Budget Issues 08 March 2011 Joel Feldman of […]

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Video and Slides: Solid Waste Forum of March 7, 2011

Below is a complete video of the 3/7/11 public forum held by Northampton’s Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. The public was invited to express opinions about how the city will manage its waste once the municipal landfill closes in 2012. The Task Force will hold a second and similar forum on March […]

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