New York Times: Non-Native Species Contribute to “Mother Nature’s Melting Pot”

In the March 17 Gazette, Alexandra Dawson cautioned against well-intentioned efforts to “improve” wetlands, as opposed to giving them adequate buffer zones and leaving them undisturbed. An opinion piece by Hugh Raffles in the April 2 New York Times underscores this sentiment, cautioning against indiscriminate attempts to eradicate non-native species: Mother Nature’s Melting Pot …just […]

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Video: Board of Public Works Authorizes Lower Landfill Tipping Fees

Here is a complete YouTube video of the 3/23/11 meeting of Northampton’s Board of Public Works. The board votes to authorize lower tipping fees at the municipal landfill to better compete with other waste disposal options in the region. One large customer in particular, Duseau Trucking, has virtually stopped using the landfill. The Department of […]

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Making Smart Growth Better: Critiques, Guidelines, Cautions

As the Zoning Revisions Committee discusses what infill and Smart Growth should mean for Northampton’s urban residential neighborhoods (preview the ZRC’s proposals for these neighborhoods and come to their March 30 meeting), let’s review some insights from other cities: Washington: “Infill Development: Strategies for Shaping Livable Neighborhoods” (June 1997) Cities seeking investment in older urban neighborhoods […]

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See Zoning Revisions Proposals for URA, URB and URC Ahead of March 30 Meeting

Here are rezoning proposals (summary and details) to be considered by the Zoning Revisions Committee at its March 30 meeting (7-9pm, City Council Chambers). The proposals aim to increase density moderately while preserving the character of Northampton’s traditional neighborhoods. We urge concerned citizens to attend the meeting.The proposals below have been suggested by individual members of […]

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Videos: Solid Waste Task Force, March 21, 2011

Here is a complete YouTube video of the 3/21/11 meeting of Northampton’s Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. This recording was made by Craig Odgers and is 2 hours 40 minutes long. The task force expects its March 28 meeting (6:30pm, JFK Middle School) to be its last before it presents its recommendations to […]

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Video and Minutes: Solid Waste Task Force, March 14, 2011

Here is a complete YouTube video of the 3/14/11 meeting of Northampton’s Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. The attendees discuss the public’s comments from the March 7 and March 11 solid waste forums. The time for the task force to make recommendations is drawing near. This recording was made by Craig Odgers and is […]

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North Street Reconstruction Slated for 2012-2013

This Capital Project Request published by Northampton Media shows that the reconstruction of North Street is slated to take place between Summer 2012 and Summer 2013. North Street Capital Project Request 18 January 2011 See also:Photos: North Street Potholes (3/9/11)Video and Slides: Proposed Improvements for the King/Summer/North Street Intersection (10/19/10)Councilor Angela Plassmann: “Video, Pictures and […]

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Videos: David Narkewicz Announces His Candidacy for Mayor

Here are YouTube videos showing Northampton City Council President David Narkewicz announcing his candidacy for mayor on March 18. The first video (5 min) shows his prepared remarks. The second video (14 min) shows Councilor Narkewicz responding to questions from the media. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen. David Narkewicz Mayoral Candidacy Announcement 18 […]

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Videos: Zoning Revisions Committee, March 16, 2011; Urban Chickens, Future of ZRC

Here are two YouTube videos covering the complete 3/16/11 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. Segment 1 (1 hour 1 min) shows the committee drafting ordinances relating to urban agriculture, in particular the maintenance of 12 or fewer hens on residential lots. Segment 2 (1 hour 4 min) covers a variety of topics, including the future […]

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