Video: David Narkewicz Campaign Kickoff Speech

David Narkewicz is running for mayor of Northampton against Michael Bardsley. Here is an 11-minute speech delivered by Narkewicz at his campaign kickoff at the World War II Club on May 18. This video is provided by the campaign. See also: Video: Michael Bardsley’s Remarks at Campaign Kickoff (4/27/11) Videos: David Narkewicz Announces His Candidacy […]

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Video: Exit 19 Options Being Reevaluated as Pioneer Valley Growth Projections Slashed

Here is a complete YouTube video of an update given to the Exit 19 Project Advisory Committee on May 11. This video is 33 minutes long and was recorded by Sydney Stern.The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission recently reduced its 25-year projections of employment and population growth in the region from 28% to 3%. The Exit 19 engineers say […]

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Video and Text: Arnie Levinson Campaign Kickoff Speech

Here is video and text from Arnie Levinson’s May 9 campaign kickoff speech published on his website. He seeks the open Ward 3 city council seat. Mr. Levinson is director of Ward 3’s Neighborhood Watch Program. Opposing him is Owen Freeman-Daniels (website), vice president of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association, who was the campaign manager […]

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Latest Version of Northampton Reprecincting Map Slated for May 5 Vote

Northampton’s Reprecincting Committee will vote on the map below at 7:30 pm on Thursday, May 5 in the City Clerk’s Office. The Reprecincting Committee will then walk over to Council Chambers in order to present its proposal to the full City Council. David P. Stevens is the chair of the Reprecincting Committee, 413-586-6817. Reprecincting Map […]

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Northampton Reprecincting Committee Releases Draft Map of Changes

Reprecincting Press Release for Public Meeting of 27 April 2011 Rev A Reprecincting Map Draft 25 April 2011 Here is a complete YouTube video of the Reprecincting Committee’s meeting on April 20. This video is 2 hours 27 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. See also: Video: Reprecincting Committee, April 13, 2011; Ward […]

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Arnie Levinson Running for Ward 3 City Council Seat

Hancock Street resident Arnie Levinson is challenging Lisa Fusco for the open Ward 3 City Council seat. A special election is scheduled for August 2. Levinson’s website states: …When my wife Marilyn and I moved to Ward 3 about 15 years ago, we did so because it was unique. No other ward can boast of […]

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Video: Smith College Engineering Students Say Solar Power Viable on Landfill Site

Here is a complete YouTube video of an April 19 presentation by students in the Smith College Picker Engineering Program Senior Design Clinic. They presented their analysis of renewable energy potential at Northampton’s municipal landfill. This presentation is the product of a year-long study that researched wind, solar and biofuels on the landfill as it […]

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Metropolis: Why are predictions on the Future of Architecture always so wrong?

We appreciate Paul Goldberger’s essay in this month’s Metropolis, “Rose-Colored Glasses”. An excerpt: What intrigues me is how little real curiosity about the present most futurists seem to possess. They miss its nuance and complexity. They seem to grasp none of the richness, not to mention the subtlety, of the way in which a vast […]

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Update: Planning Board *Approves* Seton Parish Site Plan, Restricts Oxbow Soccer

Update: On April 18, Northampton Senior Land Use Planner Carolyn Misch confirmed to us that, contrary to the result shown on the Seton Parish Site Plan video below, “the board’s decision (3-2) stands as an approval since it was a majority of the board present.” Here are two YouTube videos covering the complete 4/14/11 meeting […]

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