Main & King Streets Design Charrette: Final Report

Here is the final report from March’s Main & King Streets Design Charrette as released today by Nelson\Nygaard, the transportation consultants, and Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development.Northampton Main King Charrette v61511 Master Plans Main King Charrette v61511 Tabloid Size See also:Videos and Slides: Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, Final Presentation and Q&A (3/17/11)Many […]

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Homes Built on Slabs Less Safe in Tornadoes

The Kohl Construction condo proposal for the North Street woods calls for siting the buildings on slabs – no basements. We’ve objected to this on the grounds that slab homes tend to be less durable, less energy efficient, and more susceptible to flood damage than homes with basements. Slab homes would also be out of character with the […]

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Video: Michael Janik Campaign Kickoff Speech

Michael Janik is running for one of the two City Councilor At-Large positions. Here is a YouTube HD video of his campaign kickoff speech yesterday at the World War II Club. This video is 8 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. Michael Janik Campaign Kickoff Speech – June 04 2011 See also:Gazette: “Ward […]

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Clarifying Our Position on Smart Growth

A recent article in Northampton Media, referring to NSNA member Adam Cohen, suggests that NSNA is flatly opposed to Smart Growth: Cohen, known for videotaping of public meetings, has used his blog posts and email blasts to oppose so-called “smart growth” as a land-use planning tool. Our actual position is more nuanced. By definition, most […]

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New Geography: “Where Do The Children Play?”

Dense urban environments hold special challenges for families with children. New Geography reports (5/18/11): A key issue for children in compact parts of the compact city is lack of opportunity for outdoor activity. Heavily trafficked streets are not good for bike riding, or even walking alone. Auckland’s centre is devoid of segregated cycleways or play […]

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Video and Slides: Open Meeting Law Training

Here is a complete YouTube video of the 5/25/11 Open Meeting Law training session presented at Northampton High School by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, followed by the slides and the current guide to the Open Meeting Law. The video is 1 hour 44 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen.   AGO Open Meeting […]

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“UMass geologists: New England may be facing higher risk of flooding as groundwater levels rise”

Yesterday’s Springfield Republican reports on work by geologists at the University of Massachusetts: The study was authored by David F. Boutt, a hydrogeologist and assistant professor, and Kaitlyn M. Weider, a graduate student in geology… “More precipitation is falling as rain and less as snow with average annual precipitation displaying a gradual increase of 5 […]

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Video and Documents: Tour of Proposed Pomeroy Terrace Historic District

Here is a YouTube HD Video of a May 21 tour of the proposed Pomeroy Terrace Historic District. As described at the website of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: The Pomeroy Terrace Historic District would include all the houses on both sides of Pomeroy Terrace to the jog at Hancock/Williams St. It also includes homes […]

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