Video: Finance Committee, Budget Updates, ESCO, Ambulance Revenue and Expenses

Here is a YouTube video of the complete meeting of Northampton’s Finance Committee on 7/26/11. The meeting includes an update on the FY2011 and FY2012 budgets, the status of the ESCO energy-saving initiative, and a review of ambulance-related revenue and expenses. Additional funds are proposed to be allocated to the reconstruction of North Street in […]

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Campaign Finance Reports from Freeman-Daniels and Levinson

Here for your review are the just-released Campaign Finance Reports from Ward 3 city council candidates Owen Freeman-Daniels and Arnie Levinson. The reports disclose campaign contributions and expenses over a certain threshold. Election day is Tuesday, August 2. Voting will take place at the Senior Center, 67 Conz Street, from 7am-8pm.Owen Freeman-Daniels Campaign Finance Report […]

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Video and Literature from Ward 3 Candidate Debate

Here is a YouTube video of the complete Ward 3 Candidate Forum held last night at Bridge Street School. The forum was sponsored by the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association. This video is 1 hour 4 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen.The special election for city councilor will take place on August 2. Voters should […]

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Submit Questions Now for July 19 Ward 3 Candidate Forum

Get your questions in by July 17 for the Ward 3 City Council Candidate Forum on July 19. Here is the official announcement: The two candidates competing in the August 2 special election to fill the vacant Ward 3 City Council seat will have their only joint appearance in a forum sponsored by the Ward […]

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Videos: Proposed Zoning Map Changes; Zoning Revisions Final Presentation

Here are two YouTube videos from the 7/14/11 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. Both videos were recorded by Adam Cohen. The first video is 29 minutes long and shows Planning Director Wayne Feiden suggesting zoning map changes. These changes include extending the Central Business District down parts of Conz and Hawley Streets. The intent is […]

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Zoning Revisions Committee Releases Final Report

Here is the final report of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. The ZRC was charged with recommending changes to the city’s zoning code to better conform it to the Sustainable Northampton Plan. This report will now be considered by the Planning Board. Zoning Revisions Committee Final Report – July 7, 2011   Here is a complete […]

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Video and Documents: Campaign Finance Reporting

Here is a YouTube video of training in campaign finance reporting provided by Jason Tait, Director of Communication & Public Education at the Massachusetts Office of Campaign & Political Finance. The training took place on 6/28/11 in Northampton’s City Council Chambers. The video is 1 hour 29 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. Following […]

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Videos and Photos: NASE Protests School Committee, 6/23/11

Here are a YouTube video and pictures from the Northampton Association of School Employees (NASE) protest rally and public comment before the School Committee at the committee’s June 23 meeting. Also presented are two short YouTube highlights from the public comments. NASE objects to the committee’s plan to withhold contracted wage increases and feels the committee is circumventing the negotiation […]

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