Videos: Candidates for City Councilor At-Large and Mayor Debate at Ryan Road School

Here are YouTube videos of the debates between the candidates for City Councilor At-Large and then Mayor that took place at Ryan Road School in Florence on October 5. This flyer gives the agenda. The debates were sponsored by Ward 6 City Councilor Marianne LaBarge, the Ward 6 Association, and Water Not Waste. The videos were […]

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Head to Head Videos: WGBY Conversations with Bardsley and Narkewicz

WGBY hosted half-hour conversations with both of Northampton’s mayoral candidates this week. Here are the videos for your comparison.  Mayoral candidate Michael Bardsley is questioned by Suzanne Beck, Rick Feldman and Tara Tetreault Brewster from the Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce.   Mayoral candidate David Narkewicz is questioned by Suzanne Beck, Rick Feldman and Steve Bandarra from […]

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Video: Planning Board, Ordinance Committee Wrestle with King Street Zoning

Here is a YouTube video of the complete 9/8/11 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. The City Council’s Ordinance Committee was also on hand for the portion of the meeting that discussed changing zoning regulations along King Street. Click for a summary of the proposed changes and the details of the changes. This video is 3 hours 8 minutes long […]

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New King Street Zoning Ordinances Headed for City Council

The effort to revitalize King Street proceeds. The City Council and its committees are expected to consider the following ordinance changes shortly.King Street Zoning Changes Highway Business District Design Standards Entranceway Business District See also:Zoning Revisions Committee Releases Final ReportMain & King Streets Design Charrette: Final ReportVideos: King Street Zoning Workshop and Planning Board, December […]

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As Young Adults Mature, Cities Struggle to Retain Them

Joel Kotkin analyzes the migrations of America’s young adults in a recent post on New Some excerpts: [Wendell] Cox looked at where 25- to 34-year-olds were living in 2000 and compared this to where they were living by 2010, now aged 35 to 44. The results were surprising: In the past 10 years, this cohort’s […]

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The Meadows: Contrasting Visions from Freeman-Daniels and the Northampton Meadows Agricultural Association

On July 26, Ward 3 City Council candidate Owen Freeman-Daniels published “Keep public access to public lands” on his campaign website. Quoting from his appearance on the Bill Newman radio program, Freeman-Daniels writes, “The Meadows is a really tough issue. I think it has to do with– there’s a mix there. There’s the public who […]

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