Video: “Low Impact Development: Performance Results and Implementation in the Field”; Summer vs. Winter Performance of Stormwater Systems

Here is a Google video of “Low Impact Development: Performance Results and Implementation in the Field”, a presentation from the Smart Growth – Smart Energy Conference 2008, a conference held on 12/12/08 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. This presentation includes a comparison of the merits of various stormwater management systems. Some are much […]

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“Innovative Non-Zoning Approaches to Encourage Smart Growth and Protect Public Health” – Video with Wayne Feiden and Bruce Young

Wayne Feiden and Bruce Young from Northampton’s planning department were among the presenters at the Smart Growth – Smart Energy Conference 2008, a conference held on 12/12/08 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Feiden and Young presented in a session titled, “Innovative Non-Zoning Approaches to Encourage Smart Growth and Protect Public Health”. NSNA’s Adam […]

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Envisioning Sustainable Northampton: Notre Dame Urban Design Presentation – Video and Handout

Here is a complete Google video of Envisioning Sustainable Northampton, the final presentation of The Notre Dame Northampton Charrette. This video is 2 hours and 33 minutes long, and may also be viewed at Vimeo video. You may download a PDF of the slides here. The video was recorded by Adam Cohen. [1/9/09 update: Northampton […]

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Video of December 11 Kohl Condo Hearing at Conservation Commission; Hearing Continued to January 8

Here is a Google video of part of the Conservation Commission meeting of 12/11/08 (also viewable at Vimeo video). This portion is two hours and 12 minutes long, and includes the presentation of proposed condos (25 units) off North Street by Kohl Construction, followed by public discussion and comments by members of the commission. Kohl […]

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Breaking News: Conservation Commission Wants Kohl to Leave 35-Foot Wetland Buffer Zone Alone for the Most Part

At tonight’s meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission, the sense of the Commission was that Kohl Construction should largely leave alone the 35-foot buffer zone around the wetland behind North Street. This is likely to require a substantial redesign of Kohl’s plans, which called for encroachment as close as 12 feet. The Commission did not take […]

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Kohl Condo Planning Board Hearing Deferred to January; Conservation Commission Hearing Still on for December 11

Northampton’s Planning Board reports today that it will defer its hearing on Kohl Construction’s application for a Special Permit and Site Plan Review to January. We’ll get you the exact time and date when it’s announced. Kohl’s proposal will still be heard by the Conservation Commission on December 11, 5:30pm, in the City Hall Hearing […]

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Kohl Construction Applies for Special Permit and Site Plan Review

Kohl Construction, doing business as Tofino Associates and Northern Avenue Homes, filed an application for Special Permit and Site Plan Review with the Planning Board on November 13. You may download the application (PDF, 15.3MB) and the full-scale architectural plans (PDF, 9.2MB) associated with it. The Conservation Commission and the Planning Board intend to hear […]

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Video: November 13 Planning Board Meeting: Hazards Mitigation Plan; Zoning Revisions Committee; Hotel Northampton Complaint; Hospital Hill Diverging from Vision of Planned Village; Comments on Notre Dame Charrette Website

Here is a complete Google video of the Northampton Planning Board meeting of November 13, 2008. The video is 2 hours and 49 minutes long. Here are selected highlights of the meeting: 0:00:00-0:58:49Discussion of the Proposed Local Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (PDF)0:00:00-0:15:50… Summary of planning process and highlights of plan 0:15:04-0:15:28… Planning Board member George Kohout […]

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New Hazards Mitigation Plan Reflects Weakened Protection for Wetlands

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development has made the new Proposed Local Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (PDF) available for public review. The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on this plan on November 13, 7pm, in City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street. We compared the new Plan to the existing one, which the City Council signed […]

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Springfield Flooding: Rain Overwhelms Detention Pond

Recent rains have once again underscored the limits of artificial stormwater management systems. The July 24 Springfield Republican reports that recent rains overwhelmed the detention pond at the Jewish Community Center: Some cities and towns have seen a mind-boggling 5 to 7 inches of rain over the last 36 hours, [abc40 meteorologist Eric] Fisher said… […]

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