Impervious Surface: New Condo Proposal Differs Little from Previous One

Jono Neiger and Sebastian Gutwein from the Regenerative Design Group have prepared these charts that compare impervious surface in Kohl Construction’s previous and current North Street condo proposals. Neiger serves on the faculty of the Conway School of Landscape Design, Graduate Program in Sustainable Landscape Planning & Design. To our eyes, Kohl’s new proposal (see […]

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Our Ad in Today’s Gazette: Slab-on-Grade Foundations Raise Questions of Durability

Here is our ad as it appears opposite the editorial page in today’s Daily Hampshire Gazette (download a high-resolution PDF, 265 KB). This ad focuses on slab-on-grade foundations, a construction technique Kohl Construction wants to use for its proposed condos off North Street. In this article we reproduce the text of the ad and provide […]

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Video: Excerpt from the Conservation Commission Meeting of 3/26/09; Smith College Synthetic Playing Field; Tofino Withdrawal

Here is a Google video of the first hour and 12 minutes of the Conservation Commission meeting of 3/26/09. This video was recorded by Adam Cohen. The agenda items covered in the video include: Video time 0:02:25-1:10:03Continuation of a Notice of Intent filed by Smith College for the relocation of a tennis court, creation of […]

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Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 3/12/09; Deadlock on Kohl Condo Proposal

Here is a Google video of most of the Conservation Commission meeting of 3/12/09. Only the portion that followed the Kohl hearing was not recorded. This video is 3 hours and 59 minutes long, and was recorded by Adam Cohen. Thanks to Steve Hathaway for transcription assistance. The portion of the meeting devoted to the […]

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Valley Advocate: “Bogged Down – Doug Kohl runs into trouble with plans for his subdivision off North Street in Northampton”

The Valley Advocate today published “Bogged Down – Doug Kohl runs into trouble with plans for his subdivision off North Street in Northampton”. Mike Kirby reports on the gestation of the new Wetlands Ordinance and the problems Kohl Construction is having with securing Conservation Commission approval for its proposed condo project. Some excerpts: …a cloud […]

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Breaking News: Conservation Commission Balks at Approving Kohl Condo Proposal at March 12 Hearing; Kohl Interested in Withdrawing Application

In a session that ran over two hours last night, Northampton’s Conservation Commission found itself unable to advance a proposal by Kohl Construction to build 23 condo units off North Street. Four members were eligible to vote on the proposal: Chair Kevin Lake, Susan Carbin, Paul Wetzel and Downey Meyer. Lake and Carbin expressed that […]

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Watering-up: Studies of Groundwater Rising After Trees Cut

At the February 26 Conservation Commission hearing regarding Kohl Construction’s North Street condo proposal, Jono Neiger of Regenerative Design Group noted that removing large numbers of mature trees, as Kohl proposes to do, may cause the already high water table to rise even further. In Kohl’s Stormwater Drainage Report (PDF, 2.8MB, submitted 3/6/09), seasonal high groundwater […]

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Kohl Files Narrative and Drainage Report with Revised Condo Proposal; Interpreting the Wetlands Ordinance

Kohl Construction, doing business as Tofino Associates and Northern Avenue Homes, submitted a stormwater drainage report today to the Conservation Commission along with its revised proposal for condos off North Street. The configuration of units is the same as presented to the Commission on February 26 (23 units plus roads and parking lots). As we’ve […]

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