Videos and Slides: Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, Final Presentation and Q&A

Here are two YouTube videos covering the complete final presentation (53 min) and Q&A session (41 min) from this week’s Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, featuring consultants from Nelson\Nygaard. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen.Here are the slides from the final presentation: Main Street King Street Charrette Final Presentation Many of the ideas […]

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Videos and Slides: Main and King Street Transportation Charrette, Introduction and Goal Setting

Here are YouTube videos from the first day (3/14/11) of the Nelson\Nygaard transportation charrette focused on Main Street and King Street in Northampton. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen. The consultants’ overarching philosophy is informed by New Urbanism and makes a priority of building mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly urban environments. It is reminiscent of proposals made during the Notre […]

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Videos: Solid Waste Forum of March 11, 2011

Here are two YouTube videos covering the complete Solid Waste Task Force public forum of 3/11/11. The first segment shows the Task Force’s presentation of solid waste management options (26 minutes). The second segment shows the public’s comments that followed (1 hour 15 minutes). These recordings were made by Adam Cohen. See this article on […]

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Video: Mayor Speaks to Ward 4 about Fiscal Situation

Here is a 57-minute YouTube video excerpt from the March 8 meeting of the Ward4Northampton neighborhood association. Mayor Clare Higgins discusses the city’s fiscal situation and other matters, including watershed protection, snow clearing and traffic calming. This video was recorded by Mary Likins.The mayor distributed this handout: Northampton Budget Issues 08 March 2011 Joel Feldman of […]

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Video and Slides: Solid Waste Forum of March 7, 2011

Below is a complete video of the 3/7/11 public forum held by Northampton’s Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. The public was invited to express opinions about how the city will manage its waste once the municipal landfill closes in 2012. The Task Force will hold a second and similar forum on March […]

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Charter Review Committee Submits Final Report to City Council

Northampton’s Charter Review Committee held its last meeting on March 2 and submitted its final report today to the City Council (see below). The Committee believes that patching the current charter is inadequate to correct its flaws, and that a new, more modern charter is needed: …the Charter Review Committee recommends a new charter, and a […]

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Press Conference Video: Clare Higgins Will Not Seek Reelection as Mayor

Here is a complete YouTube HD video of today’s press conference held by Mayor Clare Higgins. This video is 29 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. The mayor discusses highlights of her tenure (such as preserving and expanding affordable housing) and a regret – how the debate over landfill expansion unfolded.See also:MassLive: “Northampton Mayor […]

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Video: Tacy, LaBarge Criticize Narkewicz/Budgar Email

In this YouTube HD excerpt from the announcement period of tonight’s City Council meeting, Ward 7 City Councilor Eugene Tacy and Ward 6 City Councilor Marianne LaBarge express their dismay at an email exchange between City Council President David Narkewicz and Ward 3 Neighborhood Association President Gerald Budgar. Tacy calls for a special election for the position […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Studies Feedback from Forums

Here is a video of the 3/2/11 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. The committee reviewed public comments from their February 15 (video) and 16 (video) forums. This video is 1 hour 54 minutes long and is complete except for two brief gaps for camera changeover. The recording was made by Arnie Levinson. Here are […]

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Videos and Slides: Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future, February 16, 2011 Forum

Here is a complete video of the 2/16/11 public forum, “Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future”, held at Bridge Street School. The Zoning Revisions Committee (ZRC) presented proposals and alternatives for comment. This video is 1 hour 56 minutes long and was recorded by Mary Likins. Here are short YouTube highlights from the forum […]

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