Video: August 4 Rezoning Subcommittee

Northampton’s Rezoning Subcommittee held its fourth meeting at Forbes Library on August 4. The two members of the city council (Michael Bardsley, David Murphy) and two members of the planning board (George Kohout, Kenneth Jodrie) worked to nail down the optimal size and composition of the prospective Rezoning Committee. Planning director Wayne Feiden attended the […]

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Video: July 28 Rezoning Subcommittee; Comments from Alex Ghiselin and Ward 3 Association

Northampton’s Rezoning Subcommittee held its third meeting at Forbes Library on July 28. Its goal is to determine the optimal size and composition of a city-wide Rezoning Committee and submit a proposal to the planning board and city council. The Rezoning Committee’s decisions could have far-ranging impacts in how it chooses to implement the Sustainable […]

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Video: Presentation of Three County Fairgrounds Master Plan

Attendees packed a small meeting room on July 23 to see the master plan for the Three County Fairgrounds. Yesterday’s Gazette reports: Bruce Shallcross, general manager of the Three-County Fairgrounds, said the board of directors liked what they saw Tuesday night from Curtis Catron of Knoxville,Tenn.-based Bullock Smith & Partners. Catron presented the master plan […]

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Video: June 30 Rezoning Subcommittee Considers Who Should Shape City’s Future; Proposals from Joel Russell and Ward Three Association

Northampton’s Rezoning Subcommittee consists of two city councilors (Michael Bardsley and David Murphy) and two members of the planning board (George Kohout and Kenneth Jodrie). They are charged with coming up with proposals as to who should sit on a Rezoning Committee that will distill the Sustainable Northampton Plan into new proposed rules and regulations. […]

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Video: June 26 Planning Board Meeting Discusses Hospital Hill, Citizens’ Advisory Committee, Northampton Soccer Club

Here is a video of the last 59 minutes from the June 26 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. A discussion of lighting standards for gas stations is followed by a longer discussion of evolutions at Hospital Hill (Kollmorgen Electro-Optical proposes to locate an expanded plant there). At the end is a brief discussion of local […]

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Conservation Commission Approves LEC Vernal Pool Assessment; No Pools To Be Certified

Last summer, Northampton’s Conservation Commission voted to request vernal pool assessment on Kohl Construction’s property off North Street. Vernal pools are rare and fragile environments that enjoy special protection in Northampton’s Wetlands Ordinance.This spring, Kohl hired LEC Environmental Consultants to determine if his vernal pools merited certification. This work was monitored by Hyla Ecological Services, a […]

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Video: Notre Dame Urban Design Studio Presentation

We are pleased to present these video recordings of Notre Dame’s June 2 urban design studio proposal for Northampton. Professor Phil Bess presents highlights of a growth and development plan for Cooperstown, NY as an example of what suggestions might come from the studio. The planning board will discuss the studio proposal at its June […]

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Memorial Day Ceremony at Bridge Street Cemetery: Pictures and Video

At 8:30am today, members of the public gathered in Civil War dress to commemorate our war dead at Bridge Street Cemetery. After a brief eulogy, guns and cannon fired, and Taps was played. We offer this two-minute Google video in appreciation, with pictures following. See also: Northampton Redoubt: Memorial Day tributes History of TapsAs […]

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Video: Best Practices Workshop Evaluates Public Forum; Hotel Decision-Making Process Scrutinized; Wanting More from Local Media

On May 20, members of Northampton’s Best Practices Committee held a morning workshop to evaluate input from their May 13 public forum. One of the exercises at the forum invited citizens to write comments about major city issues on large sheets of paper (see pictures below). Much of the workshop was devoted to determining how […]

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Best Practices: Pictures and Video from the May 13 Public Forum

Northampton’s Best Practices Committee hosted its first public forum on May 13. Dozens of citizens and several city councilors attended. The goal was to brainstorm about ways to improve the city government’s decision-making process. Jason Heffner facilitated. This Google video shows about one hour of the two-hour-long meeting. Quiet periods and small-group sessions are omitted. […]

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