Video: Northampton State Hospital Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting, 11/17/08

Here is a complete Google video of the November 17 meeting of the Northampton State Hospital Citizens Advisory Committee. The video is 3 hours long, and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. The meeting took place in Florence in the John F. Kennedy Middle School Community Room. Roughly the first hour of the meeting presented the […]

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Video: School Committee Meeting of November 13; Citizens Ask Bridge Street School Be Saved

Here is a complete Google video of Northampton’s School Committee meeting of November 13. The video is 2 hours and 7 minutes long, and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. The agenda of this meeting is available here. In the public comment period at the start of the meeting, two citizens spoke in favor of saving […]

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Best Practices Meeting of November 12: Video; Discussion of Term Limits

Here is a complete Google video of the Best Practices Committee meeting of November 12. It’s 2 hours and 57 minutes long. This video is also available in two parts at Vimeo (part one, part two). See the preliminary minutes from the meeting and a picture of the written-on whiteboard here. In many areas the […]

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Video: November 5 Best Practices Meeting; Media Coverage Wanted; Marathon Session on Tap for November 12

Northampton’s Best Practices Committee met at the Board of Public Works conference room at 125 Locust Street on November 5. Here is a complete Vimeo video of the meeting as recorded by Jendi Reiter. It’s one hour and 36 minutes long. Selected highlights: 16min:30sec: Discussion of how to interest the Gazette in the work of […]

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Videos: Best Practices Working Group Meetings of 10/29; Get Your Suggestions in Now

Two working groups of the Best Practices Committee met on October 29. In the morning, David Narkewicz, Wendy Foxmyn and Lisa DePiano met as the Inreach Working Group. In the evening, Wendy Foxmyn and Alex Ghiselin met as members of the Report Writing Working Group. Here are complete Vimeo videos of both meetings, with the […]

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Video: October 23 Best Practices Meeting; Report Deadline Draws Near

Here is a complete Vimeo video of the October 23 meeting of Northampton’s Best Practices Committee. The meeting took place in the Board of Public Works Board Room at 125 Locust Street. The video is 92 minutes long, and was shot by Lachlan Ziegler.The City Council is expecting a report from the Best Practices Committee […]

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Design of New Police Station Wins Approval; CBAC Video

Northampton’s Central Business Architecture Committee and the Planning Board signed off on the design for the new police station on October 16. Here is a 36-minute Vimeo video of the CBAC’s deliberations: Here is the Final Revised Front (Center Street) Elevation formally submitted to the CBAC. It also available as a 13MB PDF, and the […]

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Video: NCTV Annual Meeting of October 14; Al-Jazeera Proposal

Northampton Community Television (NCTV) held its annual meeting on October 14. The meeting took place in City Council Chambers. Here is a Google video of the meeting. It’s one hour and 38 minutes long.The meeting covered the recent achievements of NCTV and its future plans. Viewer feedback is discussed, along with NCTV’s relationship with Northampton […]

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Videos: Northampton Public Schools Strategic Planning, Open Meeting of 10/1/08; Did You Know?

The Northampton Public Schools held an open meeting on the evening of October 1 as part of its strategic planning process. The meeting took place at the JFK Middle School Cafeteria. Consultant William Allen, Ed.D, of Future Management Systems Inc. is helping with the process. The Strategic Plan will consider such topics as Learning Results […]

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Video: September 25 Best Practices Meeting; Forum on Smith College Overlay District to be Considered

Here is a complete Vimeo video of the September 25 meeting of Northampton’s Best Practices Committee. The committee is to issue a report within a few months on how to improve the city’s decision-making processes and better integrate public opinion. The meeting took place in the Human Resources Department Conference Room of Memorial Hall. The […]

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