Videos of City Council and School Committee Meetings Online at Northampton Community Television

We are glad to see that Northampton Community Television (NCTV) has begun to make video recordings of City Council and School Committee meetings available online on a regular basis. The City Council recordings date from February 5 (plus one from November 17). The School Committee recordings date from January 8. A feature we hope to […]

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Video: Zero Lot Line Workshop, 3/17/09; Equity of Infill Distribution

Northampton’s Senior Land Use Planner/Permits Manager Carolyn Misch led a workshop on the proposed changes to the Zero Lot Line zoning regulations at Bridge Street School on 3/17/09. The goal of the changes is to facilitate infill by “[simplifying] Zero Lot Line Development to eliminate fences, reduce 30’ side setback to 15’, and allow lots […]

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Video: Mayor Gives FY2010 Budget Briefing to Ward 3 on 3/16/09

Here is a complete Google video of a FY2010 budget briefing given by Mayor Clare Higgins to residents of Ward 3 on 3/16/09. The briefing took place in the Bridge Street School cafeteria. The video is 1 hour and 51 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. It is also available on Vimeo. Supporting […]

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Video: Planning Board Meeting of 3/12/09; Training Presentation for Planning Board Members

Here is a video of the 3/12/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. It is 1 hour and 38 minutes long. It was recorded by Lisa Maloney and is available on Vimeo. Here is the agenda of the meeting: Board Elections Sustainable Northampton Implementation (1:04:20-1:36:50 on the video. Discusses priority of various initiatives.) More training (0:00:00-0:38:20 on the […]

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Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 3/12/09; Deadlock on Kohl Condo Proposal

Here is a Google video of most of the Conservation Commission meeting of 3/12/09. Only the portion that followed the Kohl hearing was not recorded. This video is 3 hours and 59 minutes long, and was recorded by Adam Cohen. Thanks to Steve Hathaway for transcription assistance. The portion of the meeting devoted to the […]

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Video: Public Forum on Planning and Sustainability, 3/11/09

Here is a complete Google video of a Public Forum on Planning and Sustainability that took place at Bridge Street School on March 11. This event was co-sponsored by the Northampton Design Forum and the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association, and included presentation of work by the Notre Dame Urban Design Studio. The video is 1 […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 3/10/09; Draft Sustainable Northampton Regulatory Implementation

Here is a complete Google video of the first meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. The meeting took place on March 10 in City Council Chambers. This committee is charged with recommending zoning revisions to the Planning Board that implement the Sustainable Northampton Plan. The video is about two hours long and is also available […]

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Video: Traffic Calming Informational Discussion, 2/26/09

Here is a complete Google video of a Traffic Calming Informational Discussion that took place at JFK Middle School on February 26. This discussion was organized by Northampton’s Laura Hanson, Assistant Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works, Engineering Division. The Northampton Traffic Calming Manual and related materials can be found on the Transportation and Parking […]

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Video: Finance Committee Meeting of 2/25/09 with FY2010 Budget Presentation; Schedule of Budget Briefings by Ward

Here is a complete Google video of the Finance Committee meeting of 2/25/09. In this meeting, Mayor Clare Higgins presents the factors affecting the Fiscal Year 2010 budget. This video is 1 hour and 19 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. It is also available on Vimeo. The information presented by the Mayor […]

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Video: Kohl Presents Revised Proposal to Conservation Commission on February 26

Here is a Google video of most of the Conservation Commission meeting of February 26. Only a short portion at the end was not recorded. This video is 3 hours and 12 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. It is also available on Vimeo. Here are the agenda items covered in the video: […]

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