Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 5/20/09

Here is a complete video of the 5/20/09 meeting of the Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 1 hour 55 minutes long and was recorded by Ken Mitchell. The meeting includes a discussion of King Street and its long-standing struggles. The agenda: Public comment Continue discussion of the web site Follow up on any […]

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Video: Planning Board Reviews the Latest Kohl Condo Proposal on 5/14/09

Here is a video from the 5/14/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. This portion includes the board’s discussion of Kohl Construction’s latest 23-unit condo proposal off North Street. This video is 2 hours 27 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. During the hearing, several board members expressed a desire to see the […]

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Video: Conservation Commission Reviews Latest Kohl Condo Proposal on 5/14/09

Here is a Vimeo video of a portion of the 5/14/09 meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission. This video is 2 hours 34 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. Most of the recording is devoted to the Conservation Commission’s review of Kohl Construction’s latest 23-unit condo proposal for North Street. This video is also […]

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Video: A Close Look at the Presentation of the Wetlands Ordinance to City Council on 9/20/07

The intent of Northampton’s new Wetlands Ordinance has been a hot topic of conversation at the recent Conservation Commission hearings for Kohl Construction’s condo proposal for North Street. What kinds of disturbance are acceptable within 10, 35 and 50 feet of a wetland in our zoning district (URB)? What kinds of mitigation balance a given […]

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Video: Planning Board Approves North Campus Hospital Hill Subdivision, Denies Dog Kennel Permit on 4/23/09

Here is a video from the Northampton Planning Board meeting of 4/23/09. This recording covers the first hour and 25 minutes of the meeting, and was filmed by Lachlan Ziegler. Here are the agenda items covered in the video: 7:00 P.M. Continuation (not previously opened) of a hearing on the request by Hospital Hill […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 4/1/09; Wayne Feiden Gives Zoning Tutorial

Here is a complete Google video of the 4/1/09 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 2 hours and 3 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. It is also available on Vimeo. Here is the meeting agenda: Human Resources Conference Room, 2nd Floor Memorial Hall (enter at side door facing Unitarian […]

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Video: Presentation of Final Recommendations of the Best Practices Committee to City Council, 3/5/09

Here is a Google video of the first hour and 18 minutes from the Northampton City Council meeting of 3/5/09. This video was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler, and is also available on Vimeo. It includes the public comment period, an FY2010 budget presentation, the presentation of a certificate to Deputy Fire Chief Chris Norris, and […]

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Video: Planning Board Meeting of 3/26/09; Board Declines to Endorse Zero Lot Line Changes; New Kohl Condo Proposal Discussed

Here is a complete Vimeo video of the 3/26/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. This video is 3 hours and 25 minutes long, and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. There’s a gap of a few seconds at 2:20 for camera changeover. Here is the meeting agenda: THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE […]

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Video: Excerpt from the Conservation Commission Meeting of 3/26/09; Smith College Synthetic Playing Field; Tofino Withdrawal

Here is a Google video of the first hour and 12 minutes of the Conservation Commission meeting of 3/26/09. This video was recorded by Adam Cohen. The agenda items covered in the video include: Video time 0:02:25-1:10:03Continuation of a Notice of Intent filed by Smith College for the relocation of a tennis court, creation of […]

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