Edwards Square Meeting with Plassmann, Huntley: Video

Here is a complete blip.tv video of a meeting last night between residents of Edwards Square and Ned Huntley, director of the Northampton Department of Public Works. The meeting was hosted by Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann. It took place in a conference room at ServiceNet. Residents expressed concern about the condition of the road, parking […]

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Jon Hite on the State of the Northampton Housing Authority: Video and Presentation Book

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the May 17 meeting of the Northampton City Council’s Committee on Social Services and Veterans Affairs. The Executive Director of the Northampton Housing Authority, Jon Hite, presented a report to City Councilors Gene Tacy, Marianne LaBarge and Angela Plassmann. This video is 1 hour 1 minute long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. […]

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Videos: Charter Review Committee Debates Scope of Mission, How to Solicit Public Input

Here is a complete blip.tv video of last night’s organizational meeting of Northampton’s Charter Review Committee. The committee members include Councilor Jesse M. Adams, Councilor Marianne L. LaBarge, Councilor David A. Murphy, Colleen Currie, Alan Seewald, Margaret Striebel, and Samuel Welson (who was elected chair). The video is 2 hours 4 minutes long and was […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Discusses Making Core Urban Neighborhoods More “Conforming”, More Dense

Here is a 7-minute YouTube excerpt from last night’s meeting of the Zoning Revisions Committee, recorded by Adam Cohen. It is observed that in zoning district Urban Residential C (URC)–the dense neighborhoods surrounding downtown Northampton–perhaps 40% of the existing single-family homes are “non-conforming”, and the percentage for multi-family homes is even higher. These homes don’t meet today’s zoning requirements […]

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Video: Councilor Plassmann Presses Conservation Commission on Disposal of Manure from Three County Fairgrounds

Northampton’s Conservation Commission held a long hearing on April 1 to discuss the redevelopment plans at the Three County Fairgrounds (see plans at Office of Planning and Development website). We’ll make a complete video of this hearing available within a few days at our blip.tv channel. In the meantime, here is a short YouTube excerpt where Ward […]

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Video: Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future – March 17 Public Forum

Here is a blip.tv video from the March 17 public forum organized by the Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 1 hour 7 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. Download a PDF of the slides from the presentation. The Zoning Revisions Committee will discuss the results of the forum at its March 31 public meeting, […]

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Bessette: Ban Landfills from Water Supply Protection Districts; Video and Transcript

A citizen petition to ban landfills from Northampton’s Water Supply Protection districts (see below) came before the Economic Development, Housing and Land Use Committee (EDHLU) on February 23. The committee ultimately declined to take a position on the petition after being advised by Mayor Clare Higgins that city councilors should respect the ‘gag order’ advised […]

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Video: Neighborhood Watch Program Introduced

Here is a 30-minute blip.tv video introducing the Northampton Neighborhood Watch program. The Rotary Club is contributing to this program and hosted a press conference and luncheon at the Hotel Northampton on February 1. To learn more about the Neighborhood Watch, please call 413-584-1550. Speakers on the first portion of the video include Rotary Club […]

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Video and Slides: Joel Russell Presents Form-Based Zoning

The Northampton Design Forum sponsored “An Introduction to Form-Based Zoning” on January 26. The A.P.E. Gallery on Main Street filled to hear Joel Russell’s presentation. Mr. Russell is a member of the Northampton Design Forum and chairs Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. Here is a complete blip.tv video of the presentation, recorded by Adam Cohen. The […]

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Video Excerpts from 12/29 Fire Meeting: Brody, Plassmann; Handouts

Here are short YouTube videos of comments made by Jonathan Brody and Angela Plassmann at the December 29 community meeting regarding the recent fires. Mr. Brody is a resident of Williams Street. Ms. Plassmann will assume the office of Ward 3 City Councilor on Monday. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen.WBUR reported on Mr. […]

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