Video: Ethics and Choices at End of Life

The VNA & Hospice of Cooley Dickinson Hospital hosted this community forum to discuss the ethical dilemmas and choices at end-of-life. Guest speaker: Timothy Kirk, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Ethics, NYU-York College. The panel includes: Jeff Zesiger, MD, Susan Hawkins, daughter and caregiver of Lee Hawkins, Laurie Loisel, print editor, Daily Hampshire Gazette, and Carol […]

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Lilly Lombard: Northampton Needs a Comprehensive Tree Program

Lilly Lombard, coming off the successful launch of Grow Food Northampton, has turned her attention to Northampton’s stock of trees. She presented her case for a comprehensive tree program to the city’s Energy and Sustainability Commission on June 12. See the first 39 minutes of this video by Ruth McGrath: Here is Ms. Lombard’s presentation […]

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Video: Citizens in Wards 3 & 4 Express Concerns about Proposed New Guidelines for Larger Residential Developments

Councilors Ryan O’Donnell (Ward 3) and Gina-Louise Sciarra (Ward 4) hosted residents in City Hall on May 5 to discuss proposed large-development zoning with Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning and Sustainability. While some residents favored increased density in downtown Northampton, others expressed concerns about congestion, parking shortages, and ambiguities in the zoning language that developers […]

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Video: North Street Residents Discuss Concerns with Councilor Ryan O’Donnell

North Street residents had a public meeting with Ward 3 City Councilor Ryan O’Donnell on 3/25/14 to discuss neighborhood concerns, notably speeding, congestion on narrow roads, and excessive truck traffic. Here is a YouTube video of the complete meeting recorded by Ruth McGrath. It’s 1 hour and 11 minutes long. Residents Wendy and David Newton […]

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Video: Planning Board Advances Urban Residential Zoning Proposals

Northampton’s Planning Board approved zoning changes for urban residential districts URA, URB and URC. The package includes an amendment to require Special Permits for developments of 7+ units. The proposal will next be revisited by the City Council’s Ordinance Committee at its June 10 meeting. Here is a YouTube video of the Planning Board meeting […]

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Residents Express Concerns about Rezoning at Ordinance/Planning Board Meeting

Here is a YouTube video of the complete May 13 meeting of Northampton’s Committee on Elections, Rules, Ordinances, Orders & Claims, followed by a joint meeting of the committee with the Planning Board. Here is the agenda of these meetings. This video was recorded by Ruth McGrath. The joint meeting with the Planning Board begins […]

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