Sovereign Builders Special Permit Hearing Scheduled for June 13

Sovereign Builders and Berkshire Design Group will have a special permit and Site Plan Review before the Northampton Planning Board on June 13 at 7:20pm. They propose to build 12 units of residential housing around 8 View Avenue. Please attend at City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street. Learn more about the project and download related […]

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Lilly Lombard Makes Updated Presentation on Trees to City Council/Board of Public Works Conference Committee

Lilly Lombard made a presentation on the value and importance of urban trees to Northampton’s City Council/Board of Public Works Conference Committee on June 23 (meeting agenda). Here is a YouTube video of the meeting recorded by Ruth McGrath (see the first 46 minutes for the presentation and discussion about trees), followed by a PDF […]

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October 4: Ward 3 Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting and Bike Path Opening

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is circulating this announcement: The Ward Three Neighborhood Association, the Northampton Office of Planning and Development and the Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways will hold a two-part celebration on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009. The first part will be the annual meeting of the Ward Three Neighborhood Association, which will […]

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