February 24 Forum: “Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future”

The Zoning Revisions Committee has issued this press release:City of Northampton Zoning Revisions CommitteeFor Immediate Release: January 21, 2010Contact: Joel Russell, Chair, Zoning Revisions Committee, joelrusl@gmail.com, 413-584-7228Danielle Kahn, Vice-Chair, Zoning Revisions Committee, djkahn2004@yahoo.com, 413-320-7208Carolyn Misch, Northampton Office of Planning and Development, cmisch@northamptonma.gov, 413-587-1287“Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future”The future of King Street, appropriate forms of […]

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Volunteers Wanted for Charter Review Committee

The Northampton City Council home page issues this call for volunteers: The City Council is seeking four volunteers to help conduct a review of the City Charter in accordance with Section 22-1(4) of the Northampton Code of Ordinances: “At least once in every 10 years, in every year ending in a zero, the City Council […]

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January 26: “An Introduction to Form-Based Zoning”, Sponsored by the Northampton Design Forum

The Northampton Design Forum invites the public to “An Introduction to Form-Based Zoning”:See also:Download Envisioning Sustainable Northampton – Final Notre Dame Studio Presentation Book Envisioning Sustainable Northampton: Notre Dame Urban Design Presentation – Video and HandoutVideo and Slides: Final Presentation of Design Northampton WeekAn old court house is contrasted with a new one:The old Post […]

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Video: MEPA Visit to Three County Fairgrounds, 11/30/09

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 11/30/09 Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) site visit to the Three County Fairgrounds. This video is 1 hour 38 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. It includes an indoor presentation followed by a walk through portions of the site. Stormwater management was a primary concern […]

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Documents: Northampton City Budget, FY2010; City Council Rules

Here for your reference are two PDF documents ready for downloading:City of Northampton, Council Rules, 2008-2009 Session, Amended October 2, 2008 (279KB) City of Northampton, Mayor’s Budget Proposal, Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010, 13MB) See pages 342-346 for accounts relating to the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.See also:City Website: The FY2010 City Budget Outlook

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New York Times: “As Sewers Fill, Waste Poisons Waterways”

It is common for Smart Growth proponents to claim that adding density to existing urban infrastructure is cheaper than building infrastructure in new areas. The reality, however, is more complicated. The 11/23/09 New York Times reports: As Sewers Fill, Waste Poisons Waterways In the last three years alone, more than 9,400 of the nation’s 25,000 […]

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Video: Conservation Commission, 11/12/09: Three County Fairgrounds

Here is a blip.tv video of the complete 11/12/09 meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission. This video is 2 hours 37 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. Here is the official agenda of the meeting: CONSERVATION COMMISSION in the Hearing Room 18, City Hall 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA for a public hearing:5:00 PM […]

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Video: Urban Design Discussion with Planning Board, Zoning Revisions Committee, Northampton Design Forum and West Street Design Committee, 11/12/09

Here is a blip.tv video of a portion of the 11/12/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. This segment includes a “discussion about design issues with: West Street Design Committee, Northampton Design Forum, Zoning Revisions Committee.” This video was recorded by Adam Cohen and is 1 hour 33 minutes long. See also:Paradise City Forum: Smith College […]

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Video: Floodplains Public Information Session, 11/10/09

Northampton Senior Land Use Planner Carolyn Misch hosted a public information session yesterday on proposed zoning changes affecting all floodplains except the Meadows. Here is a complete blip.tv video of the session recorded by Adam Cohen. It is 1 hour 1 minute long. See the flyer describing the session with a map of the affected […]

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