Video: Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future – March 17 Public Forum

Here is a video from the March 17 public forum organized by the Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 1 hour 7 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. Download a PDF of the slides from the presentation. The Zoning Revisions Committee will discuss the results of the forum at its March 31 public meeting, […]

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Northampton Media: Planning Board Splits 3-3 on Prohibiting Landfills from Water Supply Protection Districts

Northampton Media reports on the Planning Board’s March 25 joint public hearing with the City Council’s Ordinance Committee. The hearing considered a citizen petition to prohibit landfills from Northampton’s Water Supply Protection Districts. The Planning Board split 3-3 on whether to forward the petition to the City Council with a positive recommendation. We’ll provide a […]

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Bessette on Latest Landfill Twist; Koff’s Analysis of Landfill Zoning Contrasts with Bobrowski’s

3/25/10 update:We received this feedback: The [Zoning Board of Appeals] disagreed with Mr. Koff and found that the landfill was grandfathered. This decision was appealed and then the appeal was settled. As a result, the ZBA decision stands.Attorney Jendi Reiter responds, No legal precedent can be created by a case that is settled before the […]

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Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future: Download the Presentation PDF

The Zoning Revisions Committee hosted a public forum on “Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future” on March 17. Download a PDF of the presentation (2.6MB). We’ll provide a video of this forum within a few days. In the meantime, here are selected slides from the presentation:See also:As Hurricane Threat Builds, Has Complacency Set In about Flooding?Infill […]

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Landfill is Grandfathered, Says Outside Counsel; Planning Staff Disfavors Proposed Ordinance

This staff report from the Planning Department has just been made available to the public. Download the PDF (787KB). We urge concerned citizens to attend the related meeting on March 25: PLANNING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA for public hearing:7:00 PM Proposed Zoning Ordinance […]

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March 25: Ordinance to Ban Landfills from Water Supply Protection Districts Goes Before Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee

We urge concerned citizens to attend this public meeting:PLANNING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA for public hearing:7:00 PM Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment to prohibit landfills in Water Supply Protection Districts See also:Gazette: “Northampton City Council shelves landfill expansion” (3/5/10)[Ward 4 City Councilor Pamela] Schwartz […]

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“Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future” Forum Rescheduled to March 17

See also:Video and Slides: Joel Russell Presents Form-Based Zoning Joel Russell’s Introduction to Form-Based Zoning, as Presented to the Northampton Design Forum, 1/26/10 (PDF, 10MB)Download Envisioning Sustainable Northampton – Final Notre Dame Studio Presentation Book Envisioning Sustainable Northampton: Notre Dame Urban Design Presentation – Video and HandoutVideo and Slides: Final Presentation of Design Northampton WeekNorthampton Media: “Northampton’s Built […]

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Bessette: Ban Landfills from Water Supply Protection Districts; Video and Transcript

A citizen petition to ban landfills from Northampton’s Water Supply Protection districts (see below) came before the Economic Development, Housing and Land Use Committee (EDHLU) on February 23. The committee ultimately declined to take a position on the petition after being advised by Mayor Clare Higgins that city councilors should respect the ‘gag order’ advised […]

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Press Release: “Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future”, February 24 Public Forum

Here is the associated press release:City of Northampton Zoning Revisions CommitteeFor immediate Release: January 21, 2010Contact: Joel Russell, Chair, Zoning Revisions Committee,, 413-584-7228Danielle Kahn, Vice-Chair, Zoning Revisions Committee,, 413-320-7208Carolyn Misch, Northampton Office of Planning and Development,, 413-587-1287 “Rezoning Northampton for a Sustainable Future” The future of King Street, appropriate forms of infill […]

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Video and Slides: Joel Russell Presents Form-Based Zoning

The Northampton Design Forum sponsored “An Introduction to Form-Based Zoning” on January 26. The A.P.E. Gallery on Main Street filled to hear Joel Russell’s presentation. Mr. Russell is a member of the Northampton Design Forum and chairs Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. Here is a complete video of the presentation, recorded by Adam Cohen. The […]

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