Connecticut River Watershed Action Plan: Remove impervious surfaces within 50 feet of streams

In 2003, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs published a Connecticut River 5-Year Watershed Action Plan For the Massachusetts Section of the Watershed (PDF). In the interests of filtering out stormwater pollution and reducing peak flows during storms, this plan calls for the removal of impervious surfaces within 50 feet of streams. We believe […]

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Gazette: “City Council delays action on vernal pools”

Today’s Gazette reports on the City Council’s decision to table the new wetlands and vernal pools ordinances until its September 20 meeting: After nearly two years of talks, proposed laws designed to protect wetlands and vernal pools are still a work in progress.…the council tabled the entire ordinance after several councilors said they would not […]

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Where We Stand on Wetlands: A Review of the Issues

On September 20, the Northampton City Council will revisit a proposed revision to the wetlands protection ordinance that would allow new development to encroach as close as 10 feet in downtown districts. The current ordinance generally prefers a 100-foot buffer zone. The new ordinance assumes that meaningful mitigation can be done when development disturbs a […]

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The Wetlands Policy Lawsuit that City Officials Are Afraid Of

At yesterday’s City Council meeting, Council President Michael Bardsley emphasized that for him, a primary motivation to move quickly on a new Wetlands Ordinance is to prevent the city from being sued. The concern is that if key standards are not spelled out in an ordinance, a disgruntled party might, to give one example, sue […]

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Breaking News: City Council Votes to Table Wetlands and Vernal Pool Ordinances

The Northampton City Council voted unanimously tonight to table the proposed wetlands and vernal pool ordinances. The main reason for the delay is to give the Conservation Commission more time to develop a consensus around the terms of the vernal pools ordinance. Councilors said they would then feel more comfortable about voting on the two ordinances as […]

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NSNA Petition Signature Total Reaches 2,217

The North Street Neighborhood Association will present 1,358 new petition signatures at today’s City Council meeting. Adding to the 859 signatures submitted on August 16, the new total is 2,217. This includes 1,470 signatures from residents of Northampton and 747 from non-residents. The population of Northampton is estimated to be 28,592, so over 5% of residents have signed in […]

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Northampton Open Space Plan: “This loss of habitat and natural flood buffering areas is Northampton’s most serious environmental problem”

Some have criticized members of NSNA for intruding themselves in the wetlands debate at a late hour. Where have you been, they say. We’ve been discussing this for years.That’s true, although not a convincing rebuttal to our arguments. Sometimes the downsides to a concept that sounds good (infill) aren’t obvious until someone proposes a specific development. Moreover, we have […]

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Text of the Wetlands and Vernal Pool Ordinances to Be Taken Up by the City Council on September 6

Here for your reference is the text of the wetlands and vernal pools ordinances that will be taken up by the City Council on September 6. The Council is expected to follow the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee to defer voting on the vernal pools ordinance in favor of further discussion.Proposed Wetlands Ordinance (PDF)Proposed Vernal […]

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Ask the City Council to Stand Up for Wetlands on September 6

On September 6, an unacceptably weak wetlands ordinance will come before Northampton’s City Council. Developers will be encouraged to encroach as close as 10 feet to wetlands in downtown areas. Vernal pool protection has been put in limbo. This will facilitate such ill-conceived proposals as Kohl Construction’s 31-unit condo development slated for the woods behind […]

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Photos Show: Man-Made Lakes and Stormwater Retention Systems Are No Substitute for Natural Wetlands

The Post and Courier of Charleston, South Carolina, has prepared an excellent flash slideshow comparing natural wetlands with man-made substitutes. The presentation is 4 minutes and 16 seconds long, and has no audio component. The pictures speak for themselves. Here are some of the highlights: 4 min 4 sec from the end of the presentation“Though […]

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