Video: August 11 Rezoning Subcommittee

Northampton’s Rezoning Subcommittee held its fifth meeting at Forbes Library on August 11. The two members of the City Council (Michael Bardsley, David Murphy) and one member of the Planning Board (Kenneth Jodrie) discussed a draft ordinance on the mission and composition of a Zoning Revisions Committee, also known as the Rezoning Committee. Subcommittee member […]

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Hyla Report: Northampton Wetlands Buffers at Narrow End of Massachusetts Spectrum

The North Street Neighborhood Association recently engaged Hyla Ecological Services to compare Northampton’s new wetlands buffer zones to those found elsewhere in Massachusetts. As a refresher, here are the buffer zones in Northampton (Municipal Code, Chapter 337-10-E-2). Note the multiple zoning districts where encroachment to within 10 feet is permitted: The City’s general policy is […]

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Springfield Works on Infill Housing Design Guidelines; Residential Design Presentation by Dietz & Company

Infill and urban design are hot topics in Springfield as they are in Northampton. The Springfield Office of Planning and Economic Development is currently working on an infill design manual. They expect to release it in the fall. The City of Springfield conducted a housing design forum on June 26 to gather public input. Noting […]

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Video: June 26 Planning Board Meeting Discusses Hospital Hill, Citizens’ Advisory Committee, Northampton Soccer Club

Here is a video of the last 59 minutes from the June 26 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. A discussion of lighting standards for gas stations is followed by a longer discussion of evolutions at Hospital Hill (Kollmorgen Electro-Optical proposes to locate an expanded plant there). At the end is a brief discussion of local […]

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The Condos at Bixby Court: A Closer Look

At the kind invitation of Joel Spiro and Vincent Silluzio, we visited the Bixby Court condos on June 20 to take a closer look. The development consists of ten units housed in seven buildings. It includes two homes built in the early 19th century and remodeled plus five new farmhouse-style townhouse units. Each unit includes […]

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Mike Kirby: “The Meadowbrook Chronicles Part One”

We are pleased to reprint the latest article by Mike Kirby, former city councilor. You can also find it on his blog, Kirby on the Loose. The Meadowbrook story has many important facets. Of particular interest to us are the consequences that can follow from building homes near wetlands.The Meadowbrook Chronicles Part OneFor some time, […]

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Salem, Oregon Analysis: Balanced Land Use Key to Balanced Municipal Budget, Quality of Life

In 2001, ECONorthwest prepared a “Fiscal Impact Analysis Relating to City Growth and Annexations” for the City of Salem, Oregon. This 60-page report is available from the City of Salem Community Development Department, 555 Liberty Street SE, No. 305, Salem, Oregon 97301-3503. Among the most interesting findings are how different land uses affect municipal revenues […]

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Conservation Easements Encouraged by New Tax Rules

Today’s Gazette reports that a panel discussion entitled “Meet the Conservation Landowners: An Highland Communities Initiative Event” will take place at 7pm tonight at the barn on the William Cullen Bryant Homestead, 207 Bryant Road in Cummington. The article notes how the donation of development rights to property is encouraged by new tax rules. Panel […]

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Condo Monotony: The Future of Ward 3?

At the February 7 meeting of Northampton’s planning board, one member characterized as “carbuncles” condo developments that integrate poorly with their surrounding neighborhoods. Let’s take a look at the characteristics of some attractive streets with detached houses in the North Street neighborhood, and then contrast them with three carbuncle candidates–two built and one proposed. Trees […]

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Mike Kirby: “The Fire at Augie’s”

Mike Kirby, former city councilor, has just published another great article on Kirby on the Loose. He fills in the larger story behind the recent fire at 11 Bridge Street, and we are reprinting it here with his kind permission: The Fire at Augie’s  When all is said and done, we were very lucky with […]

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