Video: City Council Meeting of 8/20/09; Local Option Meals and Hotel Taxes

Here is a complete video of the 8/20/09 Northampton City Council meeting. This video is 1 hour 37 minutes long and was recorded by Benjamin Spencer. Here is the official agenda of the meeting:Pertaining to the “Heavy Public Use” ordinance cited above, here is the draft of the ordinance that was circulated with the […]

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Videos: Planning Board Meeting of 8/13/09; Special Permits for Heavy Public Uses

These two videos (part 1, part 2) cover the complete 8/13/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. The recording was made by Ben Spencer. The first video is 1 hour 28 minutes long and addresses these agenda items: 7:00 P.M. Request by Marge Curello for Special Permit/Site Plan Amendment to change the house plans/elevations for the single […]

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Video: Committee on Economic Development, Housing and Land Use, 8/10/09 Meeting

Here is a complete video of the 8/10/09 meeting of Northampton’s Committee on Economic Development, Housing and Land Use. The video is 1 hour 55 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Video highlights:0:56:40-1:50:58 …Should the City Council retain special permit decision-making authority over landfill expansion (the landfill is a […]

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Zoning Revisions Committee: 6/3/09 Audio and 7/15/09 Video Recordings

Here is a partial MP3 audio recording of the 6/3/09 meeting of the Zoning Revisions Committee. This recording was made by Jim Nash. It contains the first 1 hour and 31 minutes of the meeting. Here is the 6/3/09 agenda: Public comment Finalize discussion of possible zoning changes Discuss types of infill (develop open space […]

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Houston Chronicle: “Density hasn’t been kind to Cottage Grove…”

The Houston Chronicle published a cautionary tale about infill on June 28: How urban can Houston become?Density hasn’t been kind to Cottage Grove, a small neighborhood with narrow streets, few sidewalks, poor drainage and scarce parking for the owners of its many new homes and their guests.Like many neighborhoods inside Loop 610, Cottage Grove in […]

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Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 6/11/09

Here is a complete video of the 6/11/09 meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission. This video is 1 hour 50 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. With respect to the Kohl Construction/Tofino Associates proposal to build 23 condos off of North Street, the commission aims to select a hydrogeologist at its June 25 […]

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Video: A Close Look at the Second Reading of the Wetlands Ordinance at City Council on 10/4/07

The intent of Northampton’s new Wetlands Ordinance has been a matter of controversy at the hearings of Kohl Construction’s condo proposal for the North Street neighborhood. The current proposal calls for a large amount of disturbance, construction and paved surface within the 100-foot buffer zone around a wetland, right up to the 35-foot line. To […]

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Zoning Revisions Committee Seeks Input from Citizens

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development is circulating the following announcement: Dear Citizens of Northampton,Your Zoning Revisions Committee is up and running, and busy exploring ways to make the Sustainable Northampton Plan [link] a reality. It is exciting work.To be successful, thoughtful public input and involvement is necessary. We strongly encourage citizens to attend our […]

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June 3: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development is circulating the following announcement: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting June 3, 2009 Agenda City Council Chambers 220 Main St 7:00 PM Public comment Finalize discussion of possible zoning changes Discuss types of infill (develop open space vs modifying existing structures) Discuss a public meeting for June. This would be […]

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Video and Handouts: Massachusetts Regulations for Campaigning and Political Finance for Local Ballot Questions

Here is a complete video of a 5/26/09 presentation and Q&A with Michael Sullivan, Director of the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance. Mr. Sullivan describes what is and is not acceptable in the realm of campaigning and political finance for local ballot questions. Northampton residents are scheduled to vote on a Proposition […]

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