Mike Kirby: “The Fire at Augie’s”

Mike Kirby, former city councilor, has just published another great article on Kirby on the Loose. He fills in the larger story behind the recent fire at 11 Bridge Street, and we are reprinting it here with his kind permission: The Fire at Augie’s  When all is said and done, we were very lucky with […]

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An Update from the Ward Three Neighborhood Association

It’s our pleasure to pass along this update from the Ward Three Neighborhood Association. As you can see, major issues are facing our ward. Citizen input is welcome. Re: Update on Our Activities From: Jerry Budgar, President This has been an extremely busy year for your Association, and we’ve been discussing a wide spectrum of […]

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Video: Planning Board Sharpens Up Parking Recommendations for Oxbow Soccer Fields

Northampton’s Planning Board took 30 minutes on May 8 to discuss issues with the implementation of a parking and traffic plan worked out last year for the soccer fields at the Oxbow. The board seeks heavier usage of an auxiliary parking lot to reduce traffic on Island Road. Here is a video of the discussion: […]

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May 7: Open Meeting on Redevelopment of Three County Fairgrounds

We are pleased to relay this announcement from the northamptonward3 Yahoo group: The Three County Fair Board of Directors has hired Bullock, Smith and Partners [link] to prepare a master plan for redevelopment of the fairgrounds. They will be in Northampton on May 6, 7 & 8 to gather input from stakeholders. There will be […]

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Gazette: “Superintendent: Hold off on school closing”

Today’s Gazette reports on how Northampton school officials have moved away from considering the closure of an elementary school in the coming year: Responding to public outcry over the proposal, school officials are now urging the exploration of other options to close an anticipated budget shortfall of more than $800,000… “I think the superintendent was […]

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325 Petition Signatures and Counting: Sustainable Northampton Public Schools Joins Northampton Education Action Team

Sustainable Northampton Public Schools has joined forces with Northampton Education Action Team to urge city officials to take the time needed to make wise long-term decisions for Northampton’s schools. Their combined website is online now at http://www.neatonline.net/. Here’s the latest news about the petition drive to defer a decision on closing a Northampton school for […]

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Sustainable Northampton Public Schools Petitions City to Defer Decision on Bridge Street School for One Year

A new organization, Sustainable Northampton Public Schools, has launched to protect the quality of the city’s public schools during the current fiscal hard times. They are circulating the following petition: Dear Elected Officials of Northampton, There’s no question the budget climate is brutal, and that as much as we are all heartsick about it, very […]

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Mayor Presents Latest Northampton City Budget, Proposed School Budget Reductions

At Bridge Street School tonight, Mayor Clare Higgins and School Superintendent Isabelina Rodriguez-Babcock presented Northampton’s FY2009 budget and a list of expense reductions now being considered for the city’s public schools. Ward 3 City Councilor Robert Reckman hosted the presentation. About 100 citizens attended, as did Councilors-At-Large James Dostal and Michael Bardsley. Mayor Higgins expressed […]

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Conservation Commission Approves Vernal Pool Assessment Protocol on Kohl Property

Despite the uncertainty of titles within Kohl Construction’s property off North Street, Northampton’s Conservation Commission voted tonight to approve a Vernal Pool Assessment Protocol for this property. Between March 15 and June 1, LEC Environmental Consultants (LEC), a firm hired by Kohl, will establish monitoring stations around the probable vernal pool area and visit the site […]

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