10/26: 5th Annual Meadows Cleanup Day

We are pleased to pass along this announcement from the Ward Three Neighborhood Association… The Ward Three Neighborhood Association will sponsor a Meadows Cleanup Day on Sunday, October 26. Everyone is invited. If you want to participate, please come to the parking lot of the Northampton Airport. The event begins at 10am. We will provide […]

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Video: NCTV Annual Meeting of October 14; Al-Jazeera Proposal

Northampton Community Television (NCTV) held its annual meeting on October 14. The meeting took place in City Council Chambers. Here is a Google video of the meeting. It’s one hour and 38 minutes long.The meeting covered the recent achievements of NCTV and its future plans. Viewer feedback is discussed, along with NCTV’s relationship with Northampton […]

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Mayor’s Email Update of 10/10/08

Mayor Clare Higgins sent this email update to the public today. To sign up for emails from the mayor, the Office of Planning and Development, and/or the Department of Public Works, go to http://www.northamptonma.gov/ and see the left side of the page.The North Street Neighborhood Association does not necessarily support or oppose the mayor’s positions […]

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Video: Department of Public Health Presents Landfill Study

NSNA sent its newest videographer, Lachlan Ziegler, to record the state’s presentation of its Northampton landfill health study on September 23. Lachlan is a student at Northampton High School. The Department of Public Health presented its study at a Board of Public Works meeting held at JFK Middle School. This Google video is 3 hours and […]

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Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: Statement of Support for Bridge Street Elementary School

We are pleased to relay the following statement recently approved by the board of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: Statement of Support for Bridge Street Elementary School In light of the recent discussion by City Officials concerning the possible closing of a Northampton elementary school, the Board of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association would like […]

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Revised Design for Northampton Police Station

Plans for the new Northampton Police Station have been revised in light of public input. Here is the revision of September 3, also available as a PDF: Here is the previous design from August: Another view of the August design: Here is a new plan for the parking garage on Gothic Street (also available as […]

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Mayor’s Email Update of 9/16/08

Mayor Clare Higgins sent this email update to the public today. To sign up for emails from the mayor, the Office of Planning and Development, and/or the Department of Public Works, go to http://www.northamptonma.gov/ and see the left side of the page.The North Street Neighborhood Association does not necessarily support or oppose the mayor’s positions […]

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Residence for Homeless Seeks Donations of Furnishings and Household Goods

It’s our pleasure to publicize this appeal… Furnishings needed: The Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals purchased a duplex this summer consisting of two apartments to serve as permanent residence for six formerly homeless people. The purchase was made possible by a generous grant from the Community Preservation Committee. Residents will be provided with supportive […]

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Video: Police Station Building Committee Presents Design

Here is a Google video of the formal portion of yesterday’s presentation of the proposed new police station. The video is about 57 minutes long. Today’s Gazette reports: Public gets look at Northampton police station plans Construction of the city’s new police station could begin as soon as the late fall, but city and project […]

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