Downtown house on “dead end street” in “rural setting” flies off market

The Gazette reports that residential real estate sales in Northampton are slow, but you wouldn’t know it if you were the seller of a certain single-family house on Bradford Street. According to the Multiple Listing Service, this home went on sale on February 8 and is now under agreement, just 12 days later. What makes it […]

Continue reading “Cultivating Natural and Cultural Landscapes through Conservation Subdivision Design” is an online journal devoted to smart growth that’s integrated with the natural environment. It won a 1999 Media Award for Sustainable Development, and has an entire category devoted to UnSprawl. Randall Arendt’s article, “Cultivating Natural and Cultural Landscapes through Conservation Subdivision Design”, is a good example of increasing sensitivity among Smart Growth advocates for […]

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Northampton Planning Board to Meet on Implementing Sustainable Northampton Plan

Northampton’s Planning Board will meet on Thursday, February 7 and Thursday, March 6 to discuss and plan for the implementation of the Sustainable Northampton Comprehensive Plan. These meetings begin at 6pm and may last for two hours each. We urge concerned citizens to attend at City Hall, 210 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Room 10 (enter via the rear […]

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Photo Essay: Millyard Brook Swells with Water in Winter

Millyard Brook runs along the back of the parcel Kohl Construction would like to develop behind North Street. It is classified as an “intermittent stream”, meaning there are some days when it is dry, typically in the summer.On January 11, a mild and rainy day, Millyard Brook is clearly not dry, but helping a large volume of […]

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Massachusetts Top Court: Towns May Block Development That’s Out of Character with Neighbors

The state’s highest court affirmed that towns have the right to prevent developers from building homes that are out of character with their neighbors. In Norwell, a developer had been trying for years to get approval to tear down a 675 square-foot house and replace it with a 1,920 square-foot house. Yesterday’s Boston Globe reports: The court upheld the Town of […]

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Greening Smart Growth: The Sustainable Sites Initiative

The Sustainable Northampton Plan (PDF), recently approved by the Planning Board, includes these goals (p.23): Conserve wetlands with programs to ensure no net loss of wetlands…Preserve existing forests, floodplains, wetlands, and agricultural soils of high ecological value…Recognize that the protection of environmental resources will improve the quality of life and the value of property in […]

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Northampton Redoubt: Urban Planning, Public Policies, and Urban Ecology

Daryl LaFleur’s Northampton Redoubt discusses how Kohl Construction’s proposed condo project off North Street has spurred a larger debate over what Smart Growth means and how to implement it… It’s great to read everyone’s posts on the Paradise City Forum listserv regarding the North Street Condominium proposal and Smart Growth……the Kohl development on North Street will […]

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Rutherford Platt, “Regreening the Metropolis: Pathways to More Ecological Cities”

Let’s further explore Dr. Rutherford Platt’s thinking about “ecological cities”. Dr. Platt is affiliated with the Department of Geosciences at UMass Amherst. He is no fan of sprawl, but does believe that ecological cities should incorporate greenspace and green infrastructure throughout their fabric. “Regreening the Metropolis: Pathways to More Ecological Cities”A 2004 Keynote Address by Dr. Rutherford […]

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Smart Growth and Crime

Smart Growth advocates claim that dense urban living and mixed-use neighborhoods will solve many social problems. Unfortunately, the evidence is that these principles can increase crime. Stephen Town and Randal O’Toole analyze the data for Reason magazine in “Crime-Friendly Neighborhoods” (February 2005): [Jane] Jacobs [who promoted the advantages of mixed-use neighborhoods in big cities] never […]

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Smart Growth Hazard: A Confining Sameness

As James C. Scott observes in Seeing Like a State, urban planning is extremely complex. People and cities are dynamic. There is a strong temptation for planners to simplify their task through “uniformity and regimentation”. Robert Lang, writing for Planetizen, discusses this in the context of “monster homes”: Most smart growth advocates claim that newly constructed […]

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