“Back to School for Planners”; “Why Johnny Can’t Walk to School”; “The Cost Effectiveness of Small Schools”

As the fate of Bridge Street School–the most “downtown” of all Northampton’s elementary schools–hangs in the balance, it’s a good time to review “Back to School for Planners”, an article from the Fall 2004 issue of Planning Commissioners Journal. The author is Tim Torma, a policy analyst in the EPA’s Smart Growth Program. From “Back […]

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Gazette: “Group sends letter to fight school closing”

Yesterday’s Gazette reports on the status of the Bridge Street School petition: Group sends letter to fight school closing Close to 600 city residents have signed a letter [link] protesting a proposal that threatens to close a city elementary school in order to whittle down what school officials say could be an $800,000 budget shortfall. […]

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Sustainable Northampton Public Schools Petitions City to Defer Decision on Bridge Street School for One Year

A new organization, Sustainable Northampton Public Schools, has launched to protect the quality of the city’s public schools during the current fiscal hard times. They are circulating the following petition: Dear Elected Officials of Northampton, There’s no question the budget climate is brutal, and that as much as we are all heartsick about it, very […]

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Closing Bridge Street School Contradicts Smart Growth Goals

Due to Northampton’s looming budget shortfall, it has been widely reported that Bridge Street Elementary School is at risk of closing. We appreciate that the closure could save $400,000, but it goes against some of the better goals of the Sustainable Northampton Plan, which include getting people out of their cars and encouraging them to […]

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Gazette Guest Column: “The luxury of saving a single tree”

We enjoyed Chivas Sandage’s guest column in the March 15-16 Gazette. She writes: The luxury of saving a single tree …Through the years I’ve had relationships with several remarkable trees, green spaces and wooded areas. Fascinated by Julia Hill-Butterfly, I followed her work closely for years. In recent years, I had the chance to write […]

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Final Sustainable Northampton Plan Now Ready to View

The Northampton Planning Department has released the final version of the Sustainable Northampton Plan. This version includes pictures. You may download it here (PDF, 1.75MB).While the pictures make the report look more handsome, we were disappointed that they don’t do more to clarify the text. The part of the Plan that would benefit most from […]

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Photo Essay: 10 Reasons People Like Trees Around Them; Will the Sustainable Northampton Plan Put Urban Trees at Risk?

In Livable Streets, Donald Appleyard lists 10 reasons people like trees on their street (p.66). We’ve woven those reasons around some new pictures of the trees around North Street and the woods behind…1. They provide shade.2. They make the street more alive by their movement and richness.3. They are soothing to the eyes.4. They purify the […]

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Planning Board to Hold “Sustainable Northampton and Big Picture Meeting” on March 6

Northampton’s Planning Board will hold a meeting/working session to discuss how to implement the Sustainable Northampton Plan. The meeting will take place on March 6, 6-8pm in the City Hall Hearing Room, 210 Main Street, 2nd Floor (enter via the rear door). The agenda includes: Review of Sustainable Northampton Implementation Process Review of Sustainable Northampton […]

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Vancouver Sun: “Call it EcoDensity or EcoCity –either way it’s a hard sell”

In Vancouver, residents are concerned that ‘densification’ will harm cherished neighborhoods of single-family homes… Call it EcoDensity or EcoCity –either way it’s a hard sell (2/19/08)There have been more than a few rhododendrons come down in Vancouver in the last 30 years — literally and figuratively — and in their place have sprouted monster homes, […]

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Northampton: Dr. Rutherford Platt to Speak on The Humane Metropolis, March 9

We are pleased to publicize the following announcement: The Environment Task Force of the Hampshire Interfaith Council is pleased to presentThe Humane Metropolis–People and Nature in the 21st Century CityAn illustrated talk byRutherford H. PlattSunday, March 9, at 7 p.m.Edwards Church299 Main Street at corner of Main and StateNorthampton, MADr. Platt is professor of geography […]

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