Bucket Loader Documents; Parking Meter Receipts May Be Used for General Municipal Purposes

Below for your review are several source documents relevant to the dispute over the city’s recent purchase and return of a bucket loader. We present excerpts from the Gazette and Northampton Media to provide background. You may also view video recordings of recent City Council meetings at NCTV. The Council is expected to take up […]

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Hampshire Life Profiles Ward 3

Today’s Hampshire Life supplement in the Gazette includes a long profile of Ward 3 and the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association. It’s upbeat and enjoyable, but curiously omits any mention of Ward 3’s current City Councilor, Angela Plassmann.Some excerpts: Good neighbors …Ward 3 is the old part of the city, a place of narrow streets, elegantly […]

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Mike Kirby: “Thinking about our Fire Protection”

From Mike Kirby’s January 10 post to Kirby on the Loose: Thinking about our Fire Protection…In 1997, Mayor Mary Ford commissioned a study [download study, 4MB PDF] of the department by the private outfit, Municipal Resources Inc, which the Chief moonlights for today as a consultant. She never made the study public, which is too […]

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Northampton Media: “Ward Three Councilor-Elect Angela Plassmann Takes on the Housing Authority”

Today at Northampton Media: Ward 3 Councilor-Elect Angela Plassmann campaigned on a promise that she would work to solve maintenance and safety problems reported by elderly and disabled tenants at the city-owned Walter Salvo House and Cahill Apartments. In a November 16 letter to Housing Authority Director Jonathan Hite, Plassmann listed tenant concerns and asked […]

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Video: Northampton City Council, 11/5/09; Teri Anderson; Single Tax Rate

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 11/5/09 meeting of Northampton’s City Council. This video is video is 1 hour 58 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Download the official agenda (PDF, 33KB). See also:Northampton Media: “Anderson Given Department Head Position” (11/6/09)City Economic Development Coordinator Teri Anderson was last […]

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Ward 3: Your Next City Councilor, Angela Plassmann

Today’s Gazette reports: Angela D. Plassmann defeated incumbent Ward 3 City Councilor Robert C. Reckman Tuesday by 68 votes.Plassmann captured 576 votes to Reckman’s 508 votes, winning in both Ward 3 precincts. On her campaign website, Ms. Plassmann outlines her priorities as follows:As your Ward 3 City Councilor, I will represent your interests in these […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee, 10/28/09; Attract People to Infill Areas with Amenities

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 10/28/09 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 2 hours 1 minute long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. The next meeting will take place on November 4 in the Bridge Street School Cafeteria at 7:00pm. The 11/4 agenda includes:1. Public comment2. Subcommittee reports3. Planning for a public […]

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Northampton Media: “Northampton’s Built Environment: Squandered Public Equity” by Tris Metcalfe, AIA

We are reprinting this 11/1/09 article by kind permission of Northampton Media. This material is presented for the purpose of voter education. NSNA does not endorse individual candidates for political office. [Article amended 11/3/09 by Mr. Metcalfe.]  Northampton’s Built Environment: Squandered Public Equityby Tris Metcalfe, Massachusetts, #5393 Registered ArchitectI am an architect who has been […]

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Video: At-Large School Committee Candidates Debate, Florence Civic Center, 10/30/09

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 10/30/09 debate at the Florence Civic Center between three of Northampton’s four candidates for the two School Committee At-Large seats. Candidates participating included Blue DuVal, Michael Flynn and Robert Schroeder. Candidate James Young was absent due to a conflicting engagement. This video is 45 minutes long and […]

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Video: Ward 7 City Council Candidates Debate, 10/30/09

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 10/30/09 debate between Northampton Ward 7 City Council candidates Gene Tacy and Deborah Jacobs. This debate took place at the Florence Civic Center. The recording is 34 minutes long and was made by Lachlan Ziegler. See also:Gazette: “Ward 7 contest brings out longtime city activists” (10/26/09)Jacobs supports […]

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