Video: Special City Council Meeting of 9/24/09; Landfill Expansion; Heavy Public Uses; Clips: Tacy, Odgers, Bessette, Foxmyn, Susco

Here is a complete video of the 9/24/09 special meeting of Northampton’s City Council. This video is 1 hour 25 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Below is the official agenda followed by YouTube clips from the meeting. You may download PDFs of the proposed ballot question (21KB), […]

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David Pakman Announces Northampton Groundcrew; First Event: September 30 with Jesse Adams

We are circulating this announcement at the request of David Pakman: Friends,Good news: something revolutionary and really fun is starting in Northampton. We’re using new community-building technology that helps participants/users get OFF their computers and actually engage with local politics and their city in positive, coordinated ways.As part of the Northampton launch, which involves events […]

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Northampton Media: Interview with Angela Plassmann, Ward 3 City Council Candidate

Northampton Media recently posted video interviews with a variety of city council candidates. Ward 3 voters will be especially interested in this 25-minute Vimeo video of an interview with Angela Plassmann, who is challenging incumbent City Councilor Bob Reckman. We would gladly publish a video interview or statement from Mr. Reckman as well, should one be made […]

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Video: City Council Meeting of 9/17/09; Special Clips: Susco/Higgins/Bardsley, LaBarge/Spector

Here is a video of the 9/17/09 meeting of Northampton’s City Council. We join the meeting near the beginning of the public comment period. This video is 3 hours 21 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Below are two short clips from the meeting. The first shows a strong […]

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Video: Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study – Informational Meeting of 9/14/09

Here is a complete video of the 9/14/09 public informational meeting regarding the Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study. This video is 2 hours 6 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Video highlights:1:17:48-1:19:20 and 1:53:07-1:54:55: Ward 7 City Council candidate Gene Tacy expresses skepticism about expanding the landfill over the […]

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Video: Ordinance Committee Meeting of 9/14/09; Heavy Public Uses, Landfill Ballot Questions

Here is a complete video of the 9/14/09 meeting of Northampton’s Ordinance Committee, a committee of the City Council. This video was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler and is 3 hours 42 minutes long. Video highlights:0:37:37-0:41:39… Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste speaks, expresses concern that appealing legislative decisions is difficult (as compared to appealing Special […]

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Bardsley Bests Higgins in Preliminary Election: Results by Ward

Here is the tally sheet posted at City Hall after last night’s Preliminary Election for Mayor and Ward 7 City Councilor:See also:Gazette: “Tuesday’s voters set November ballot in Northampton” (9/16/09)Bardsley dominated in Wards 6 and 7, winning by respective margins of 258 and 255 votes. He also captured a significant 134-vote victory in Ward 3.He […]

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Ordinance Committee Recommendations on Competing Heavy Public Use Ordinances

Here is the text just released of two competing ordinances regarding heavy public uses. The City Council will take these up at its September 17 meeting, 7:15pm in City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street (see agenda and related documents). See also:Video: Planning Board Meeting of 9/10/09; Heavy Public Use Ordinance OptionsGazette: “Planners ask council to […]

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“An uphill slog: Fighting the landfill expansion is not going to be easy” – Mike Kirby

Mike Kirby has kindly given us permission to reprint his Sunday article from Kirby on the Loose. There will be a public information session on the Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study (PDF, 2.7MB) today at 7pm in the JFK Middle School Community Room, 100 Bridge Road. An uphill slogFighting the landfill expansionis not going to be easy.I […]

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Video: Planning Board Meeting of 9/10/09; Heavy Public Use Ordinance Options

Here is a complete video of the 9/10/09 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. The first portion is a joint meeting with the City Council’s Ordinance Committee. A discussion of who should make decisions on heavy public uses takes place from 0:00:00-1:49:24 on the video. For the result, see the quote below from the 9/11/09 Gazette. This recording was made by Mimi Odgers of […]

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