Breaking News: Conservation Commission Votes to Delay Vernal Pool Delineation on Kohl Property to Spring 2008

In a significant victory for NSNA, Northampton’s Conservation Commission voted tonight to delay until spring its review of vernal pool delineation on Kohl Construction’s proposed condo site behind North Street. In its original Wetlands Application (PDF) filed several weeks ago with the city, Kohl asserted there were no existing or potential vernal pools on the site:After […]

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Report on Kohl’s Property by Alec MacLeod, Environmental Scientist: Indications of Vernal Pool Habitat

We are pleased to share this report from Alec MacLeod of Orange, an environmental scientist with expertise in wetlands. NSNA engaged Mr. MacLeod to inspect the wetlands bordering Kohl Construction’s proposed condo project off North Street. With the permission of Mr. Kohl, Mr. MacLeod paid a site visit to the property on August 20. He was […]

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Lot Map of Area Targeted by Kohl Construction

Here for your convenience is a map of the lots that abut Kohl Construction’s proposed condo project behind North Street. Kohl’s primary landholdings are the two large lots in the red circle, 25C-012 and 25C-017. A larger version of this map can be downloaded as a PDF.The large lot in the upper portion of the […]

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Conservation Easements Preserve Land, with Potential Tax Benefits

Conservation easements are booming, reports The New York Times (“Love That View?”, June 29, 2007). The Land Trust Alliance says they’re up 148% since 2000. Landowners give up the right to develop a parcel, conveying it to a nonprofit land trust. To earn a tax benefit, the land “must be a habitat for certain types of wildlife, […]

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Safety Valves to Infill: The Grow Smart Northampton Plan of 2003

[Revised August 7, 2007]Northampton’s Planning Board and City Council Industry Committee endorsed the “Grow Smart Northampton” (PDF) plan in 2003. This plan, a precursor to recent Sustainable Northamption planning, does support infill. Specifically, the plan suggests, “Increase by 10 percent the density of housing in and within walking distance of downtown.” (p.13)At the same time, […]

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Conservation Commission to Take Up Kohl’s Wetlands Delineation on August 23

Northampton’s Conservation Commission plans to discuss Kohl Construction’s wetlands delineation on August 23, 5:30pm at City Hall. Concerned citizens are urged to attend this hearing. Kohl Construction is doing business as Northern Avenue Homes and Tofino Associates. Here are the details: Northampton Conservation CommissionAgendaDate: Thursday August 23, 2007Time: 5:30 PMPlace: City Hall Hearing Room (use back […]

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The Republican: “Residents fight plan for condos”

Today’s Springfield Republican reports on the North Street Neighborhood Association and its opposition to Kohl Construction’s condo plans… Prompted by a proposal to develop the only patch of woods between Bridge Street and the Industrial Park, a group of residents on and around North Street have formed a neighborhood organization…Kohl, who owns the land, has […]

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Historical Commission Gives Kohl Leave to Tear Down 8 View Avenue

Northampton’s Historical Commission today voted to permit Kohl Construction to demolish the house at 8 View Avenue. Tristram Metcalfe cast the lone dissenting vote. The commission found that the house, which dates back to the turn of the century and perhaps earlier, lacks sufficient historical or architectural importance to merit saving.Two cameramen were present at the […]

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More Reasons Why Smart People Don’t Build Near Wetlands: Mosquitoes and Disease

[7/26/07 clarification: In the article below, we don’t mean to imply that dengue/malaria/yellow fever are currently in Northampton. However, they serve to illustrate that mosquitoes are associated with disease in general (such as West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis), and that excessively exposing people to mosquitoes is risky. As the New England climate has […]

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Northampton Redoubt: “North Street area citizens join together”

Valley Advocate blogger Daryl LaFleur this week reports on NSNA’s July 21 barbecue with a long article on Northampton Redoubt. Some excerpts: More than sixty people attended the North Street Neighborhood Association Barbecue [Saturday], July 21 to learn about Douglas Kohl’s 31-unit condominium project proposed for their area… Situated close to a wetland area, the […]

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