Video: North Street Residents Discuss Concerns with Councilor Ryan O’Donnell

North Street residents had a public meeting with Ward 3 City Councilor Ryan O’Donnell on 3/25/14 to discuss neighborhood concerns, notably speeding, congestion on narrow roads, and excessive truck traffic. Here is a YouTube video of the complete meeting recorded by Ruth McGrath. It’s 1 hour and 11 minutes long. Residents Wendy and David Newton […]

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March 14-16: Main and King Street Transportation Charrette

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development announces a Main and King Street Transportation Charrette. As you can see from the articles we include below the announcement, we’re concerned that increasing urban density beyond a certain point could result in unpleasant increases in total downtown Northampton traffic, even if vehicle miles per capita decrease somewhat. We have, of course, expressed other […]

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Update on Exit 19

This update was circulated to the Exit 19 Project Advisory Committee members today: Hello PAC Members: This email is to inform you that a summary of the July 2010 PAC meeting is now online at Please let me know if anything in the summary is not correct. In addition, the study team has created […]

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Video: Engineers Abandon Full-Access Interchange Concepts for Exit 19; Residents Delighted

To the delight of Bridge Street residents, the engineers working on potential changes to I-91 Exit 19 have abandoned the more elaborate concepts that called for building a full-access interchange. Those concepts would have cost the most and had the greatest impact on abutters. The engineers have concluded they aren’t worth it. Download the engineers’ […]

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Video: Exit 19 Public Meeting, 6/14/10; $10 Million to Save Two Minutes

Here is a complete video of the 6/14/10 public meeting on Exit 19. This video is 2 hours 17 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and its consultants presented the current concepts under consideration (PDF, 34MB) and took questions from the audience. The concepts which incorporated three-story-tall “flyover” ramps did not appear […]

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Exit 19 Presentation for June 14 Meeting: Comparing the Concepts

In preparation for the June 14 public meeting on Exit 19 (6pm, Bridge Street School Cafeteria), the Massachusetts Department of Transportation has made available its presentation (PDF, 34MB) and Summer 2010 Fact Sheet (PDF) for download. This is a key meeting. All concerned citizens are urged to attend. These slides from the presentation appear to show that […]

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