Here is a draft of the minutes of the 10/6/10 meeting of Northampton’s Charter Review Committee. The committee received input from Mayor Clare Higgins, former City Councilor Michael Bardsley, and City Councilors David Narkewicz and Angela Plassmann. Charter Review Committee 10-06-2010 Minutes Draft See also: Video and Documents: Charter Review Committee Meeting of 5/26/10; Origins of Northampton’s […]
Charter Review
Video and Documents: Charter Review Committee Meeting of 5/26/10; Origins of Northampton’s Charter
Here is a complete video and a short YouTube excerpt of the May 26 meeting of Northampton’s Charter Review Committee. The complete video is 2 hours 6 minutes long, and was recorded by Adam Cohen. The first hour is devoted to a presentation on Massachusetts charters by charter expert Marilyn Contreas, Senior Program and Policy Analyst at the Massachusetts […]
Videos: Charter Review Committee Debates Scope of Mission, How to Solicit Public Input
Here is a complete video of last night’s organizational meeting of Northampton’s Charter Review Committee. The committee members include Councilor Jesse M. Adams, Councilor Marianne L. LaBarge, Councilor David A. Murphy, Colleen Currie, Alan Seewald, Margaret Striebel, and Samuel Welson (who was elected chair). The video is 2 hours 4 minutes long and was […]