Video: Finance Committee, Budget Updates, ESCO, Ambulance Revenue and Expenses

Here is a YouTube video of the complete meeting of Northampton’s Finance Committee on 7/26/11. The meeting includes an update on the FY2011 and FY2012 budgets, the status of the ESCO energy-saving initiative, and a review of ambulance-related revenue and expenses. Additional funds are proposed to be allocated to the reconstruction of North Street in […]

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Videos and Photos: NASE Protests School Committee, 6/23/11

Here are a YouTube video and pictures from the Northampton Association of School Employees (NASE) protest rally and public comment before the School Committee at the committee’s June 23 meeting. Also presented are two short YouTube highlights from the public comments. NASE objects to the committee’s plan to withhold contracted wage increases and feels the committee is circumventing the negotiation […]

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Video: Mayor Speaks to Ward 4 about Fiscal Situation

Here is a 57-minute YouTube video excerpt from the March 8 meeting of the Ward4Northampton neighborhood association. Mayor Clare Higgins discusses the city’s fiscal situation and other matters, including watershed protection, snow clearing and traffic calming. This video was recorded by Mary Likins.The mayor distributed this handout: Northampton Budget Issues 08 March 2011 Joel Feldman of […]

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Video and Presentations from 10/20/10 Public Forum on 2010 Ballot Questions; Case for a New Police Station

Here is a complete video of the 10/20/10 public forum on ballot questions 1-4. Questions 1-3 are statewide (see details). Question 4 is local. It asks Northampton voters if they approve of a $10 million debt exclusion property tax override to help build a new $17.6 million police station and parking garage. Most of the forum […]

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Video: Fire Department Defends Medical Call Stipends, Gene Tacy Responds

Here is a video excerpt (1 hour 33 minutes) from Northampton’s 9/16/10 City Council meeting. Fire Chief Brian Duggan and Deputy Chief Christopher Norris defend the stipends that paramedics receive for responding to medical calls. In the 8/19/10 meeting of Northampton’s Finance Committee (video), Ward 7 City Councilor Gene Tacy had criticized the stipends as excessive […]

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