NSNA Debuts New Radio Campaign, Newspaper Ad Today

The North Street Neighborhood Association today launches a new series of radio ads on WHMP-AM and a print ad on page A7 of the Daily Hampshire Gazette. We reproduce the text of these ads below, adding links to make it easy to research the issues further and take action.Script of WHMP Radio Spot (revised 9/12/07, […]

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Historical Commission Gives Kohl Leave to Tear Down 8 View Avenue

Northampton’s Historical Commission today voted to permit Kohl Construction to demolish the house at 8 View Avenue. Tristram Metcalfe cast the lone dissenting vote. The commission found that the house, which dates back to the turn of the century and perhaps earlier, lacks sufficient historical or architectural importance to merit saving.Two cameramen were present at the […]

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Wetlands Ordinance, Other Important Meetings on Tap for Today

All those interested in a Sustainable Northampton are urged to attend one or more of the following public meetings today: Attend the Ordinance Committee meeting on July 24, 6:00pm at 212 Main Street in City Council Chambers. This meeting will discuss changes to Northampton’s wetlands regulationsCouncilor David Narkewicz says this is the “final and required […]

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8 View Avenue To Be Demolished

The city has just circulated the following announcement… NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Site Visit Notice In preparation for a public hearing to address an application for demolition of a house at 8 View Avenue, to be heard July 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Hearing Room 18; an on-site visit will be conducted by […]

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