Statement from City Councilor David Narkewicz Concerning the 2009 City Election

Ward 4 City Councilor David Narkewicz circulated the following announcement this morning: Dear Ward Four Friends and Neighbors,Today I am announcing that I will not seek re-election this fall to a third term on the Northampton City Council.Serving as your Ward Four City Councilor has been a great experience. I deeply appreciate the support you […]

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Mayor’s Email Update March 2009: FY2010 Budget Information Available; Presentation to Ward 3 on March 16

The Mayor’s office is circulating this update today: Mayor’s Email Update 3 March 2009 FY2010 BUDGET INFORMATION AVAILABLE Dear neighbors, I am sending a quick email update today to let you know that we have added a number of pages to the City’s website to share the most current information we have about the FY2010 […]

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Tonight’s Zero Lot Line Workshop POSTPONED Due to Snow

City Councilor David Narkewicz reports that the Zero Lot Line Workshop planned for tonight has been postponed due to snow. We’ll let you know the new date when it’s announced. See also: Gazette: “What’s up with zero lot lines?” (3/2/09) March 2: Zero Lot Line Workshop Video: Planning Board and Ordinance Committee Discuss Zero Lot […]

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Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: Statement of Support for Bridge Street Elementary School

We are pleased to relay the following statement recently approved by the board of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: Statement of Support for Bridge Street Elementary School In light of the recent discussion by City Officials concerning the possible closing of a Northampton elementary school, the Board of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association would like […]

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July 23rd Meeting To Present Fairgrounds Master Plan

We are pleased to relay this announcement from the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: From: Jerry Budgar, President I’m writing to inform everyone of a very important public meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. to present the new Three County Fair Master Plan to the residents of Ward 3 and the […]

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Photo Essay: Arbor Day and the North Street Woods

The Mayor has proclaimed April 25 to be Arbor Day in Northampton. Please enjoy these pictures as spring comes to our North Street woods… See also: Photo Essay: 10 Reasons People Like Trees Around Them; Will the Sustainable Northampton Plan Put Urban Trees at Risk?The environment above faces threats from two directions. First, Kohl Construction proposes […]

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Northampton Residents Sue Developer Douglas Kohl to Resolve Questions of Title and Rights-of-Way

Press ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Brad Shimel, Esq., 413-586-3480Northampton Residents Sue Developer Douglas Kohl to Resolve Questions of Title and Rights-of-WayNorthampton, MA, March 13, 2008: A group of neighbors living near a proposed 26-unit condominium project on undeveloped land off North Street have filed a lawsuit with the Land Court in Boston challenging the developer’s ownership […]

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Planning Board to Hold “Sustainable Northampton and Big Picture Meeting” on March 6

Northampton’s Planning Board will hold a meeting/working session to discuss how to implement the Sustainable Northampton Plan. The meeting will take place on March 6, 6-8pm in the City Hall Hearing Room, 210 Main Street, 2nd Floor (enter via the rear door). The agenda includes: Review of Sustainable Northampton Implementation Process Review of Sustainable Northampton […]

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Press Release: Northampton, MA Citizens Campaign to Protect Their Urban Wetlands, Prevent Flooding; 16,978 Postcards Mailed to Voters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEEmail for more informationNorthampton, MA Citizens Campaign to Protect Their Urban Wetlands, Prevent FloodingCitizens of Northampton, MA are campaigning to preserve the buffer zones around the city’s urban wetlands from development. Northampton has a proud tradition of environmental stewardship and sustainable growth, but on October 4, Northampton’s City Council plans to vote […]

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NSNA Banner Ads Debut on

Visitors to the home page of the Daily Hampshire Gazette,, will see our new animated banner ad starting today:In this ad, we are calling particular attention to detention ponds as people may not appreciate how the need for them may surge under the proposed wetlands ordinance. The ordinance is specifically aimed at encouraging infill […]

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