The Prince of Wales: Value Complexity, Respect Nature, Avoid Technological Hubris

As Kohl Construction endeavors to inject a cluster of cookie-cutter condos into one of the last substantial stands of trees near downtown Northampton, hoping that elaborate stormwater mitigation schemes will keep this swampy ground safe and unpolluted, The Prince of Wales gave a speech to the Foreign Press Association in London on November 25. To […]

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Best Practices Committee Presents Draft Recommendations to City Council; Public Meeting Review Form

On December 4, 2008, the Best Practices Committee formally presented draft recommendations to the Northampton City Council. Copies of the report are downloadable below and hard copies are available for review at Forbes Library, Lilly Library, City Clerk’s office, Mayor’s Office, and the office of the City Council. Draft Recommendations for Ensuring the Use of […]

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“Broken-Windows” Theory Validated in Study

Daryl LaFleur links to this valuable Economist article in Northampton Redoubt: Can the can: The idea that graffiti-spraying and other forms of low-level delinquency promote further bad behaviour has now been tested experimentally (11/20/08) A place that is covered in graffiti and festooned with rubbish makes people feel uneasy. And with good reason, according to […]

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December 13: Notre Dame Final Presentation in Northampton

The Northampton Design Forum makes the following announcement: Hello everyone, We’re still hard at work here at Notre Dame, finishing up our designs for Northampton, but we want to remind you that our studio will soon be returning to Northampton to present the results of our work from this semester. We’ll be giving our presentation […]

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Rail Trail Bridge Installations On Tap for Main Street (12/7) and North Street (12/14)

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development just announced the following. Brief power outages may be associated with the bridge installations.         OPD Rail Trail Bridge Installed this Sunday (Main Street) and next Sunday Posted by: “Office of Planning and Development” Wed Dec 3, 2008 10:48 am (PST) This Sunday (12/7), weather permitting, our contractor […]

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Video: Transforming Northampton’s Rail Trails to a Regional Trail Network

Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways held their annual meeting on November 18. The featured speaker was Wayne Feiden, Director of Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development, speaking on “Transforming Northampton’s Rail Trails to a Regional Trail Network”. Here is a Google video of the meeting. It’s one hour and 16 minutes long. We join […]

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Kohl Conservation Commission and Planning Board Hearings Slated for December 11

The Conservation Commission and Planning Board have scheduled hearings for December 11 on Kohl Construction’s application for a Special Permit and Site Plan Review for its North Street woods condo project. Concerned citizens are urged to attend. Northampton Conservation Commission AgendaDate: Thursday December 11, 2008 Time: 5:30 PM Place: City Hall Hearing Room (use back […]

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Notre Dame Northampton Charrette Critical of Hospital Hill Plans, Fleshes Out Alternative

The Notre Dame Design Studio circulated the following announcement yesterday. They will present their final proposals from the Northampton Charrette to the public on Saturday, December 13th at 2:30pm at Northampton High School. The public is encouraged to attend. Hi everyone, In response to feedback from a number a people requesting more information about our […]

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Video and Slides: Public Forum on Innovative Approaches to Manage Northampton’s Solid Waste, 11/19/08

Here is a complete Google video of the Public Forum on Innovative Approaches to Manage Northampton’s Solid Waste, a special meeting of Northampton’s Board of Public Works. This meeting, also known as the Landfill Alternatives Forum, took place on November 19, 2008 in the Community Room of John F. Kennedy Middle School. Jeff Edelstein moderated. […]

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Video: Northampton State Hospital Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting, 11/17/08

Here is a complete Google video of the November 17 meeting of the Northampton State Hospital Citizens Advisory Committee. The video is 3 hours long, and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. The meeting took place in Florence in the John F. Kennedy Middle School Community Room. Roughly the first hour of the meeting presented the […]

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