The Towing – An Open Letter from Ellen LaFleche

We would like to share with you this open letter to Mayor Clare Higgins from Clark Avenue resident Ellen LaFleche. To All It Concerns, My husband works as an activities director at a local retirement community, and although our own retirement is more than a decade away, we spend lots of time talking about where […]

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Envisioning Sustainable Northampton: Notre Dame Urban Design Presentation – Video and Handout

Here is a complete Google video of Envisioning Sustainable Northampton, the final presentation of The Notre Dame Northampton Charrette. This video is 2 hours and 33 minutes long, and may also be viewed at Vimeo video. You may download a PDF of the slides here. The video was recorded by Adam Cohen. [1/9/09 update: Northampton […]

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Video of December 11 Kohl Condo Hearing at Conservation Commission; Hearing Continued to January 8

Here is a Google video of part of the Conservation Commission meeting of 12/11/08 (also viewable at Vimeo video). This portion is two hours and 12 minutes long, and includes the presentation of proposed condos (25 units) off North Street by Kohl Construction, followed by public discussion and comments by members of the commission. Kohl […]

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More Detail on the Zero Lot Line Proposed Changes; Evaluating Infill Impacts

[Revised on 12/17/08] Carolyn Misch, Senior Land Use Planner in the Northampton planning department, has kindly provided us with more details about the proposed changes to the Zero Lot Line regulations. These details are reproduced below and may also be downloaded as a PDF, but first, here is explanatory text circulated by Ward 3 City […]

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Applicants Sought for Zoning Revisions Committee

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development is circulating the following announcement: The Planning Board is Seeking Applicants for the Northampton Zoning Revisions Committee What is the Zoning Revisions Committee? The Zoning Revisions Committee will assist the Northampton Planning Board in identifying, developing, and recommending zoning ordinances that serve to implement the Northampton Sustainability Plan. The […]

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Envisioning Sustainable Northampton: Notre Dame Urban Design Presentation – Slides

Urban design students from Notre Dame University presented Envisioning Sustainable Northampton at Northampton High School yesterday. Below are selected slides from their presentation. Download all 97 slides (PDF, 16.9MB). We will make a video of the presentation available online within a few days. In the meantime, please visit The Notre Dame Northampton Charrette website for […]

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Breaking News: Conservation Commission Wants Kohl to Leave 35-Foot Wetland Buffer Zone Alone for the Most Part

At tonight’s meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission, the sense of the Commission was that Kohl Construction should largely leave alone the 35-foot buffer zone around the wetland behind North Street. This is likely to require a substantial redesign of Kohl’s plans, which called for encroachment as close as 12 feet. The Commission did not take […]

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Video: Best Practices Committee Presents Draft Recommendations to City Council, 12/4/08

Here is a complete Google video of the public portion of Northampton’s City Council meeting of 12/4/08. This video is one hour and 40 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. View the agenda (PDF) of this meeting. During 1:14:22-1:25:38, members of the Best Practices Committee presented their Draft Recommendations to the council. The […]

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Kohl Condo Planning Board Hearing Deferred to January; Conservation Commission Hearing Still on for December 11

Northampton’s Planning Board reports today that it will defer its hearing on Kohl Construction’s application for a Special Permit and Site Plan Review to January. We’ll get you the exact time and date when it’s announced. Kohl’s proposal will still be heard by the Conservation Commission on December 11, 5:30pm, in the City Hall Hearing […]

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