Video: Finance Committee Meeting of 2/25/09 with FY2010 Budget Presentation; Schedule of Budget Briefings by Ward

Here is a complete Google video of the Finance Committee meeting of 2/25/09. In this meeting, Mayor Clare Higgins presents the factors affecting the Fiscal Year 2010 budget. This video is 1 hour and 19 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. It is also available on Vimeo. The information presented by the Mayor […]

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Zero Lot Line Workshop Rescheduled to March 17

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development announces: The Zero Lot Line workshop that was canceled due to the Bridge Street School snow closure on Mon Mar 2 has been rescheduled for Tuesday March 17 at Bridge Street School at 7:00 PM. See also: Gazette: “What’s up with zero lot lines?” (3/2/09) Video: Planning Board and […]

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Download Envisioning Sustainable Northampton – Final Notre Dame Studio Presentation Book

Joel Russell at the Northampton Design Forum has kindly authorized us to make Envisioning Sustainable Northampton, the final presentation book from the Notre Dame Northampton Urban Design Charrette, available as a free PDF download (131 pages, 26MB). This book was prepared by the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture Urban Design Studio for the […]

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Mayor’s Email Update March 2009: FY2010 Budget Information Available; Presentation to Ward 3 on March 16

The Mayor’s office is circulating this update today: Mayor’s Email Update 3 March 2009 FY2010 BUDGET INFORMATION AVAILABLE Dear neighbors, I am sending a quick email update today to let you know that we have added a number of pages to the City’s website to share the most current information we have about the FY2010 […]

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Video: Kohl Presents Revised Proposal to Conservation Commission on February 26

Here is a Google video of most of the Conservation Commission meeting of February 26. Only a short portion at the end was not recorded. This video is 3 hours and 12 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. It is also available on Vimeo. Here are the agenda items covered in the video: […]

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March 11: Public Forum to Discuss Planning and Sustainability for Northampton

The Ward Three Neighborhood Association is circulating the following announcement: The Northampton Design Forum (NDF) is a local citizen group which invited the Notre Dame Urban Design Studio to Northampton last fall. This was funded entirely by private donations. We have planned a public forum to discuss the intersection of Planning and Sustainability on March […]

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Tonight’s Zero Lot Line Workshop POSTPONED Due to Snow

City Councilor David Narkewicz reports that the Zero Lot Line Workshop planned for tonight has been postponed due to snow. We’ll let you know the new date when it’s announced. See also: Gazette: “What’s up with zero lot lines?” (3/2/09) March 2: Zero Lot Line Workshop Video: Planning Board and Ordinance Committee Discuss Zero Lot […]

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Video: School Committee Meeting of February 12; Presentation of Strategic Plan

Here is a complete Vimeo video of the School Committee meeting of February 12. The video is 2 hours and 46 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. The Northampton Public Schools Strategic Plan (PDF, 192 KB) is presented and discussed during 0:32:40-1:37:37. Below are selections that relate to the possible closing of an […]

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March 10: Zoning Revisions Committee to Meet; Our Suggestions

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development is circulating this announcement: The Zoning Revisions Committee (advisory to the Planning Board) will meet Tuesday March 10 at 7 PM in City Council Chambers. Please Contact Carolyn Misch at for further information. The Zoning Revisions Committee is charged with recommending zoning changes that implement the Sustainable Northampton […]

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“Degraded” Wetlands Can Get a Lot Worse

Over the past year or so, Kohl Construction and even some members of the Conservation Commission have noted that the wetlands and buffer zone off North Street are “degraded with masonry and other construction and road building debris, as well as invasive plant species”. While it’s true this area is not perfect, it’s still an […]

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