Final Settlement Agreement to Purchase Homes by Landfill, May 2009

The Northampton Mayor’s office has just announced that the final settlement agreement to purchase the homes near the landfill has been made public and posted on the city website at this address: link is called: “Final Settlement Agreement to purchase homes by landfill, May 2009”. You may also download this agreement here (PDF, 403KB) or view […]

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September 10: Kohl Condo Hearing Before Conservation Commission

Kohl Construction’s 20-unit condo proposal for North Street goes again before the Conservation Commission on September 10, 5:30pm in the City Hall Hearing Room, 2nd floor, 210 Main Street. The conditions and convenants are expected to be a focus of the hearing. Concerned citizens are urged to attend. Here are the details: Northampton Conservation CommissionAgenda […]

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Latest Version of Landfill Ballot Question No. 2

Northampton’s City Council plans to discuss the following non-binding question for the November 3 ballot at its September 3 meeting (City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, 7:15pm).See also:Video: Special Meeting of the Board of Public Works and the City Council, 8/21/09; Landfill Ballot Question No. 2The claim that there will be “no new environmental risk […]

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YES! Magazine: “Upgrading the Way We Do Politics”

For those who are frustrated with the way citizens and public officials interact, YES! Magazine offers alternatives: Upgrading the Way We Do Politics…”The term ‘town hall’ conjures up images of townsfolk gathering in some New England hamlet,” writes deliberative democracy scholar Jim Fishkin. But today’s typical “town hall meetings” don’t live up to that tradition. […]

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September 15: Urban Agriculture Meeting

 Jim Nash of the Zoning Revisions Committee is circulating the following invitation: On September 15th at 7 PM, the Urban Agriculture Sub-committee of the Zoning Revisions Committee will be meeting with the public to discuss modifications and changes to current regulations around chickens and livestock. The meeting with be held in Hearing Room 18 on […]

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Pictures from the August 27 Conservation Commission Hearing on the Kohl Condo Proposal

Northampton’s Conservation Commission discussed a hydrological review of the Kohl Construction North Street condo proposal at an August 27 hearing. They took no vote but agreed to discuss the proposal again on September 10 at 5:30pm (City Hall Hearing Room, 210 Main Street, 2nd floor). The commissioners desired to refine language in the draft covenants and project […]

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Lessons from San Diego: Why We Need Infill Design Guidelines

Densification without design guidelines invites problems. Diana DeRubertis analyzes San Diego’s experience for Planetizen: Residential Infill, 70’s-StyleIn 1979, the City of San Diego launched a plan to steer new development into the craftsman-lined neighborhoods close to downtown. The idea was sound: scatter higher density housing throughout existing “smart growth” communities. Part of the city’s General Plan […]

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Conservation Planner Bruce Young’s Staff Report on Latest Kohl Condo Proposal

Northampton Conservation and Land Use Planner Bruce Young has issued the following staff report on Kohl Construction’s latest 20-unit condo proposal for North Street. Concerned citizens are urged to attend the hearing on August 27, 6pm in the City Hall Hearing Room (210 Main Street, 2nd floor, enter via the back door). Staff Report [partial]To: […]

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September 1: Ward 3 Transportation Subcommittee First Open Meeting

We are circulating this announcement at the request of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association:Ward 3 Transportation Subcommittee First Open MeetingThe first public meeting of the Ward 3 Transportation subcommittee will be Tuesday, September 1 at Northampton Coffee, 269 Pleasant Street, at 6:30 PM. We intend to discuss a variety of topics: the new bike path opening […]

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