Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Meeting of 9/16/09; Clarifying the Sustainability Mission and Process

Here is a complete video of the 9/16/09 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. This video is 2 hours long and was recorded by Benjamin Spencer (visit his blog). Video highlights:0:00:28-0:10:27… Jerry Budgar, president of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association, presents a proposal on notifying property owners about zoning changes that would affect them. He […]

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Video: City Council Meeting of 9/17/09; Special Clips: Susco/Higgins/Bardsley, LaBarge/Spector

Here is a video of the 9/17/09 meeting of Northampton’s City Council. We join the meeting near the beginning of the public comment period. This video is 3 hours 21 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Below are two short clips from the meeting. The first shows a strong […]

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Video: Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study – Informational Meeting of 9/14/09

Here is a complete video of the 9/14/09 public informational meeting regarding the Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study. This video is 2 hours 6 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Video highlights:1:17:48-1:19:20 and 1:53:07-1:54:55: Ward 7 City Council candidate Gene Tacy expresses skepticism about expanding the landfill over the […]

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Kohl Condo Proposal: Final Conditions and Covenants

With respect to the Kohl Construction condo proposal for North Street approved by the Conservation Commission on September 10, Northampton Land Use and Conservation Planner Bruce Young has released the final Order of Conditions (PDF, 889KB) and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, Easements, and Maintenance Agreements (PDF, 37KB).See also:Video: Conservation Commission Meeting of 9/10/09; Kohl Condos Approved; Upper […]

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Video: Ordinance Committee Meeting of 9/14/09; Heavy Public Uses, Landfill Ballot Questions

Here is a complete video of the 9/14/09 meeting of Northampton’s Ordinance Committee, a committee of the City Council. This video was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler and is 3 hours 42 minutes long. Video highlights:0:37:37-0:41:39… Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste speaks, expresses concern that appealing legislative decisions is difficult (as compared to appealing Special […]

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AP: “Study: Urban streams contaminated by road salt”

This fresh AP report underscores the risks of developing areas close to streams: Study: Urban streams contaminated by road saltMany urban streams have become salty enough to harm aquatic life, largely because of salt used for deicing roads in the winter, according to a new government study released Wednesday.The U.S. Geological Survey studied urban streams and groundwater […]

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Northampton Redoubt: “Landfill question letter submitted to Gazette by Andrew Woodland”

Northampton Redoubt has kindly given us permission to reprint this post from yesterday: Landfill question letter submitted to Gazette by Andrew Woodland To the Editor (submitted Sept. 15 via email): Ward 3 City Councilor Bob Reckman today submitted a proposed amendment to the landfill expansion referendum language. While I applaud the council’s effort to put […]

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September 26: Free Home Green Energy-Saving Workshop

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is circulating the following announcement: We received the following message from Ward 3 resident Faye Wolfe about a seminar we think will be of interest to residents of our ward. Best of all, it’s going to be held here. She wrote:“I’m working with Green Northampton to help organize one of […]

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Bardsley Bests Higgins in Preliminary Election: Results by Ward

Here is the tally sheet posted at City Hall after last night’s Preliminary Election for Mayor and Ward 7 City Councilor:See also:Gazette: “Tuesday’s voters set November ballot in Northampton” (9/16/09)Bardsley dominated in Wards 6 and 7, winning by respective margins of 258 and 255 votes. He also captured a significant 134-vote victory in Ward 3.He […]

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Water Not Waste Achieves Ballot Question Signature Goal

Water Not Waste has just posted the following announcement on their website: Ballot Signature Drive Success!!!! Well, WE DID IT!!!!It is official that we collected the required number of registered voter’s signatures and our question WILL be on the November 3rd ballot!The question reads:                             “Shall the City of Northampton expand the […]

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