January 2: Prayer Vigil for Fire Victims

From the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: To: Members of the Ward 3 Neighborhood AssociationRe: Prayer Vigil on Saturday For Fire VictimsFrom: Jerry Budgar, PresidentI received the following notice from Bernadette Giblin, a Ward 3 resident and relative of the members of the Yeskie family who perished in the recent fires, about a candlelight prayer vigil […]

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Video Excerpts from 12/29 Fire Meeting: Brody, Plassmann; Handouts

Here are short YouTube videos of comments made by Jonathan Brody and Angela Plassmann at the December 29 community meeting regarding the recent fires. Mr. Brody is a resident of Williams Street. Ms. Plassmann will assume the office of Ward 3 City Councilor on Monday. These videos were recorded by Adam Cohen.WBUR reported on Mr. […]

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Free Fire Detector Distribution

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association circulated this announcement yesterday: To: Members of the Ward 3 Neighborhood AssociationRe: Free Fire Detector DistributionFrom: Jerry Budgar, PresidentFollowing last night’s meeting, I received a call this morning from Dave Fenton, the Crime Prevention Officer in the office of Hampshire Sheriff Robert Garvey. The department, in conjunction with the Deputy […]

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Fire Department: “No Incident Is Too Small To Call”

From the website of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association:See also:W3NA: “Ward 3 Crime Watch & Prevention” (12/30/09)Next Week: There will be a meeting held to discuss a Neighborhood Crime Watch and basic crime prevention tips for any Ward 3 residents. A representative from the Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office will be present to talk about crime […]

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Mayor’s Email Update: How To Help, Where To Give

12.31.09Dear Neighbors,In the aftermath of last Sunday’s frightening fires, I have been privileged to witness the very best of our community. Yes, we are nervous, we are on alert, we are angry and we are grieving. But Northampton is an amazing community. We are resilient, we are strong, we are connected and committed to our […]

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Tonight’s Ward 3 Fire Meeting Location Changed to College Church

The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association announces a new location for tonight’s open meeting about the fires. To: Members of the Ward 3 Neighborhood AssociationRe: Change of Location for Tonight’s Meeting About FiresFrom: Jerry Budgar, PresidentBecause of the indications we will be having a large turnout for tonight’s meeting about the fire situation, we are moving the […]

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December 29: Ward 3 Neighborhood Association To Hold Open Meeting Regarding Fires

From the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: To: Members of the Ward 3 Neighborhood AssociationRe: Open Meeting About Ward 3 FiresFrom: Jerry Budgar, PresidentThe board of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association will be holding an open meeting for residents of the ward regarding the recent fires on Tuesday night, December 29, at 7 p.m. at the […]

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Ward 3 City Councilor-elect Angela Plassmann: Press Release on the Fires

To the Residents of Ward 3:We are all devastated by the tragic events and loss of life that occurred in our neighborhood last night. I have been at the Fire Department all day to represent the concerns of residents and to find out what individuals should do to stay safe. Some steps we can all […]

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Fires Strike Downtown Neighborhoods; Two Die

Today’s Gazette reports: Arsonist stalks Northampton: Two men die in night of multiple fires, task force takes up probe…14 fire departments were called in to help Northampton firefighters respond to at least nine fires authorities believe were deliberately set, all in neighborhoods on the eastern fringe of the city a short walk from downtown.Two people […]

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