Denver City Council Considers Form-Based Zoning; Stabilizing Neighborhoods

The Denver Daily News reported on May 24 (emphasis added): After five years of what at times has been an excruciating process to update the city’s more than five-decade-old zoning code, the City Council tonight will finally introduce the new code on first reading, paving the way for an extensive public comment period… The new […]

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Video and Documents: Charter Review Committee Meeting of 5/26/10; Origins of Northampton’s Charter

Here is a complete video and a short YouTube excerpt of the May 26 meeting of Northampton’s Charter Review Committee. The complete video is 2 hours 6 minutes long, and was recorded by Adam Cohen. The first hour is devoted to a presentation on Massachusetts charters by charter expert Marilyn Contreas, Senior Program and Policy Analyst at the Massachusetts […]

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June 10: Attend the North Street Road/Traffic/Tree Meeting – Download Flyer

Please download this flyer (PDF) and post freely! See also: June 10: Informational Meeting on North Street Reconstruction (date changed) Angela Plassmann: “Mayor: Conz Street Slated for Reconstruction This Year, North Street for Next Year” (4/13/10) Laura Hanson will be meeting with North Street residents to begin the process for the reconstruction of North Street […]

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MSNBC: “‘Hell of a year’ for hurricanes, expert warns”

MSNBC reports yesterday: William Gray, the hurricane forecast pioneer who founded Colorado State University’s respected storm research team, said CSU would ramp up their prediction for the 2010 season in a report due out on June 2. “The numbers are going to go up quite high,” Gray said. “This looks like a hell of a […]

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Mayor’s Budget Proposal and Detail Budget Report for FY2011 Available for Download

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann has made the Mayor’s Budget Proposal and Detail Budget Report for the 2011 fiscal year available for download. The public is also encouraged to attend a hearing on the budget on May 25, 5-8pm in City Council Chambers. See also: Video: Board of Public Works, May 5, 2010; Budget  

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Case Study: Brooklyn Neighborhood Rezones to Combat Out-of-Scale Development

Even in the New York City metro area, with its walkable neighborhoods, areas of high density, and extensive public transit system, many citizens are concerned about development that conflicts with the scale and character of the neighborhoods they love. The New York City Department of City Planning provides this overview of recent rezoning in the Bay Ridge district of Brooklyn: […]

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Informational Meeting on North Street Reconstruction Rescheduled to June 10

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann writes: The Department of Public Works’ informational meeting on the reconstruction of North Street has been pushed back one day to Thursday, June 10, 7:00pm at the Bridge Street School. Please see my original article for more information about this meeting.

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Edwards Square Meeting with Plassmann, Huntley: Video

Here is a complete video of a meeting last night between residents of Edwards Square and Ned Huntley, director of the Northampton Department of Public Works. The meeting was hosted by Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann. It took place in a conference room at ServiceNet. Residents expressed concern about the condition of the road, parking […]

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Jon Hite on the State of the Northampton Housing Authority: Video and Presentation Book

Here is a complete video of the May 17 meeting of the Northampton City Council’s Committee on Social Services and Veterans Affairs. The Executive Director of the Northampton Housing Authority, Jon Hite, presented a report to City Councilors Gene Tacy, Marianne LaBarge and Angela Plassmann. This video is 1 hour 1 minute long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. […]

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