Rezoning King Street: Recommendations from the Chamber of Commerce

The Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce presented “Rezoning King Street: Findings & Recommendations” to the Planning Board last night. We’ll have that video for you within a few days. In the meantime, download this PDF published by the Chamber (1.3MB). See also: Gazette: “Builders decry slow road to permits”  (5/31/10) A pair of King Street developers lay […]

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Councilor Plassmann: “Video, Pictures and Handouts from Meeting on North Street Reconstruction; Truck Traffic”

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann provides video, pictures and handouts from last night’s meeting on North Street reconstruction on her website. The reconstruction is expected to take place in 2011. Handouts from the Department of Public Works describe the characteristics of North Street, the results of a traffic study, and information on limiting truck traffic. “Key issues […]

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UMass Press Release: “New England Losing Forest Cover, Experts Call for Accelerated Conservation”

From the UMass Amherst Office of News & Media Relations: New England Losing Forest Cover, Experts Call for Accelerated Conservation May 19, 2010 Contact: Janet Lathrop 413/545-0444 AMHERST, Mass. – A group of 20 scholars from across New England including University of Massachusetts Amherst forester David Kittredge today released a new report, “Wildlands and Woodlands: […]

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Video: Hilltown Solid Waste Forum, May 19, 2010

Here is a complete video of the 5/19/10 solid waste forum held in Williamsburg that was sponsored by the Northampton League of Women Voters. This video is 1 hour 19 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. The forum was led by Hilltown Resource Management Cooperative (HRMC) Administrator Eric Weiss. According […]

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June 3: Closing Reception for The Dam Art Show

We’d like to share this announcement:   Don’t miss the Closing Reception for The Dam Art Show 14 Strong Avenue in Northampton, Trailside Gallery, located below Pedal to Properties (right of Kathy’s Diner, across from EastSide Grill) JUNE 3rd, 5:30-8:00 PM The historic Upper Roberts Meadow Dam is under threat of removal. Come view art […]

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Download FY2011 School Budget Documents; Class Size Projections

Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann has made the following documents available on her website: Northampton Public Schools FY2011 Proposed Budget: Executive Summary (PDF) Northampton Public Schools: Superintendent’s Proposed Budget, 2011-2012 (PDF of slideshow) Northampton Public Schools Budget for FY2011: Line Item Budget (PDF) Projected Class Size, 2010-2011: Northampton High School and JFK Middle School […]

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June 5: Paul’s Memorial Garden Project

We’d like to share this announcement: Paul’s Memorial Garden Project   In loving memory of Paul Yeskie, Sr. & Paul Yeskie, Jr., Victims of the Northampton Arson Fires December 2009     DATE: Saturday, June 5th, 2010 11 AM – 3 PM PLACE: Meet at the Main Entrance of Smith Vocational School, Northampton Please join […]

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Albuquerque Journal: “City Should Address Growing ‘Bad Infill’ Problem”

From the March 14, 2010 Albuquerque Journal: A new two-story house in an unassuming Santa Fe neighborhood is built six feet from the back lot line and looms over the windows of the neighboring one-story home. Across the street from one of old Santa Fe’s most notable Pueblo Revival-style historic homes, a row of faux-Territorial condominiums […]

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Video: May 10 Meeting of the Exit 19 Project Advisory Committee

Here is a video of the first two hours of the May 10 meeting of the Exit 19 Project Advisory Committee (PAC). This video was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. There will be a full public meeting on Exit 19 on Monday, June 14, 6-8pm in the Bridge Street School Cafeteria. Concerned citizens are urged […]

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“Opposition grows to suburban-style design in Birmingham neighborhoods”

The Birmingham News reported on May 27: Officials say the uprising against the sameness of suburban design threatening the uniqueness of some of Birmingham’s established downtown neighborhoods is not a temporary bristling that will die down. Instead, it’s a fundamental shift they say has been a long time in the making as more young professionals and […]

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