Video: “Northampton Celebrates the Prop 8 Decision”

Local blogger Reiter’s Block reports on yesterday’s downtown rally applauding the recent court decision overturning California Proposition 8: Northampton yesterday celebrated the overturning of California’s gay marriage ban at a rally organized by Gary Lapon from the W. Mass. chapter of Equality Across America. Joyful, tearful speeches marked how far we’ve come, yet also reminded […]

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District Attorney’s Office Finds Plassmann, Tacy Did Not Violate Open Meeting Law

This announcement appears today on the website of Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann: A recent item in Northampton Media aired the concern that fellow councilor Gene Tacy and I had violated the Open Meeting Law in meeting with Police Chief Sienkiewicz to gather information. The District Attorney’s office has investigated and found no violation. I value […]

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Kirby on the Loose: “Asbestos discovered in Cahill and Forsander”

Head over to Kirby on the Loose for more great reporting on conditions in the Northampton Housing Authority: Asbestos discovered in Cahill and Forsander Northampton Housing Authority promises to remediate A certain heroic tenant down at Cahill Apartments who shall remain nameless, had long wondered about this white heating pipe in his closet. The covering […]

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Republican: “Single-stream recycling scores big in Springfield”

An editorial in today’s Springfield Republican praises a successful recycling initiative: Single-stream recycling scores big in Springfield   The practice makes recycling easier by allowing homeowners to put their cans, bottles and paper products into one 95-gallon barrel instead of placing the materials in separate bins… What started as a pilot program for 800 homes in […]

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Video: Ladies English Pleasure Championships at the New England Morgan Horse Show

NSNA took the opportunity this fine day to walk down to the Three County Fairgrounds and watch the New England Morgan Horse Show. Here are three minutes of highlights from the Ladies English Pleasure Championships. This is a YouTube HD video, so be sure to view it in HD at full size. See also: Video: Presentation of […]

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TED Video: Ellen Dunham-Jones on Retrofitting Suburbia

As King Street goes under the microscope, architect Ellen Dunham-Jones talks in Atlanta about the successful reuse of empty buildings and parking lots, and enhancing the attractiveness of major thoroughfares. Infill doesn’t have to mean swallowing up our remaining in-town greenspace. From the TED Blog, 6/29/10: “Ellen Dunham-Jones fires the starting shot for the next 50 years’ big sustainable […]

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Video: Board of Public Works Seeks Redo of Auction for 981 Park Hill Road

Here is a complete video of the 7/28/10 meeting of Northampton’s Board of Public Works. The BPW reviews auction results for 981 Park Hill Road (a property that abuts the municipal landfill) and votes to conduct a fresh auction due to confusion about what kinds of bids are allowed. This video is 1 hour 7 minutes […]

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Bay State Village Visioning Project: Survey Results

On June 22, the Visioning Committee of the Bay State Village Association presented the results (PDF, 6MB) of a recent survey of residents’ preferences for the future of their neighborhood. Below are selected slides from the presentation. Preserving open spaces and the natural environment emerge as clear priorities, as does a desire to maintain current lot sizes (not reduce them). […]

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