Wetlands Ordinance, Other Important Meetings on Tap for Today

All those interested in a Sustainable Northampton are urged to attend one or more of the following public meetings today: Attend the Ordinance Committee meeting on July 24, 6:00pm at 212 Main Street in City Council Chambers. This meeting will discuss changes to Northampton’s wetlands regulationsCouncilor David Narkewicz says this is the “final and required […]

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Photo Essay: July 21 NSNA Barbecue

It was a pleasure to meet our neighbors and share good food at the North Street Neighborhood Association barbecue on July 21. Dennis Helmus spoke to the crowd about Kohl Construction’s plans to build 31 condo units in the forest nearby. Attendees included Ward 3 City Councilor Marilyn Richards and Northampton Redoubt blogger Daryl LaFleur. The […]

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Photo Essay: The Forest Behind View Avenue

NSNA member Thomas McCurry has taken some beautiful pictures of the forest behind View Avenue. Much of this area is imperiled by Kohl Construction’s proposal to build 31 condo units (mostly 3- and 4-bedrooms) in the area…Fellow member Heather McLaughlin has taken these pictures of Millyard Brook as it borders the new bike path and […]

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Calvin Coolidge: Forest Protection is a Sacred Trust

Former Northampton mayors are coming out of the woodwork to comment on current development proposals. In April 1925, Nature Magazine urged Americans to observe American Forest Week. It quotes from a proclamation by President Calvin Coolidge: “We have too freely spent the rich and magnificent gift that Nature bestowed on us. In our eagerness to […]

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Letter to Gazette: “The importance of protecting the Valley’s wetlands”

Today’s Gazette publishes a letter from Nancy Wychorski of Northampton. She gives several reasons why wetlands should be protected, among them: The wetlands do act as sponges when snow melts and rain threatens to overflow riverbanks. The watershed area, of streams, swamps, etc., acts as a buffer filtering some of the pollutants from roads and […]

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NSNA Circulates Northampton Trees & Wetlands Petition

The North Street Neighborhood Association is now circulating a Northampton Trees & Wetlands Petition (MS Word version, Rich Text File version). The text of the petition reads: Northampton was designated a “Tree City” in 2005, in recognition for its commitment to community trees and forests. Nevertheless, large, cherished trees continue to be cut down without […]

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8 View Avenue To Be Demolished

The city has just circulated the following announcement… NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Site Visit Notice In preparation for a public hearing to address an application for demolition of a house at 8 View Avenue, to be heard July 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Hearing Room 18; an on-site visit will be conducted by […]

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Kohl’s Condo Proposal: Where Things Stand, and What You Can Do

Kohl Construction proposes to build 31 condo units in the forest between North Street and the bike path. This development, with its access roads and 66 parking spaces, will claim 5.49 acres of land. These pictures show the area affected:The urban forest behind North Street is already surrounded by developmentThe crucial large lots slated for […]

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EPA: Urban Heat Islands

The Environmental Protection Agency describes the effects of development on local urban temperatures. Note the dramatic moderating effect of an urban park. What Is a Heat Island? The term “heat island” refers to urban air and surface temperatures that are higher than nearby rural areas. Many U.S. cities and suburbs have air temperatures up to […]

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