Rail Trail Bridge Installations On Tap for Main Street (12/7) and North Street (12/14)

Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development just announced the following. Brief power outages may be associated with the bridge installations.

OPD Rail Trail Bridge
Installed this Sunday (Main Street) and next Sunday

Posted by: “Office of Planning and Development” op*@no***********.gov

Wed Dec 3, 2008 10:48 am (PST)

This Sunday (12/7), weather
permitting, our contractor will be installing the rail trail bridge across Main
Street. Next Sunday (12/14), again weather permitting, our contractor will be
installing the rail trail bridge across North Street.

The respective roads will be closed from 7:00 AM to noon for this work.

The Main Street bridge is especially complex because the bridge comes in two
sections that are connected together once they are in place. North Street,
which has a shorter span, is a bit simpler because it is a single bridge.

Wayne Feiden, FAICP
Director of Planning and Development

See also:

Republican: “Bridge for Northampton bike path to be installed on Main Street Sunday” (12/2/08)
The [Main Street] bridge will link sections of the bike path under construction on both sides of Main Street. A second, somewhat smaller bridge will be put in place over North Street the following week. They are all part of a $5 million project that will create a trail from Earle Street to a stop light and crossing on King Street, where it will hook up with the Northampton Bike Path

Video: Transforming Northampton’s Rail Trails to a Regional Trail Network
0:20:34… Manhan Rail Trail Downtown Link…new bridges being
built at Main Street and North Street…brief power outage of a few
hours likely in the coming weeks…completion of this segment expected
by end of Summer 2009